Want to see what the general person on SW likes the most
I put IOS or Android because I could only put 5 answers( these are for people who would rather game on a phone or tablet over anything else)
This topic is locked from further discussion.
PC, i'm not poor.
yeah....im not poor either but i prefer consoles :P
so your logics pretty much thrown out the window there man.My Fender probably cost more than your computer if we really want to go there.
PC, i'm not poor.
yeah....im not poor either but i prefer consoles :P
so your logics pretty much thrown out the window there man.My Fender probably cost more than your computer if we really want to go there.
LOL same way i actually own a gaming pc but I still like consoles better.
PC, i'm not poor.
yeah....im not poor either but i prefer consoles :P
so your logics pretty much thrown out the window there man.My Fender probably cost more than your computer if we really want to go there.
Fallout3 on 360....Really man?Okay, not poor, just very stupid?
PC, i'm not poor.
yeah....im not poor either but i prefer consoles :P
so your logics pretty much thrown out the window there man.My Fender probably cost more than your computer if we really want to go there.
Fallout3 on 360....Really man?Okay, not poor, just very stupid?
or just prefers spending their money in a diffrent manner?
its still a fun game, i get a lot of enjoyment out it and snagged the GOTY edition for £7 last year im not complaining.
The only stupid person in here is you and your obnoxious fanboyism.
PC, i'm not poor.
yeah....im not poor either but i prefer consoles :P
so your logics pretty much thrown out the window there man.My Fender probably cost more than your computer if we really want to go there.
LOL same way i actually own a gaming pc but I still like consoles better.
same. i've been spending alot of time with pc lately since i have a good gaming pc for the first time ever but all my friends play on consoles so thats still what i prefer for all my multiplayer gamesFallout3 on 360....Really man?[QUOTE="Jankarcop"]
yeah....im not poor either but i prefer consoles :P
so your logics pretty much thrown out the window there man.My Fender probably cost more than your computer if we really want to go there.
Okay, not poor, just very stupid?
or just prefers spending their money in a diffrent manner?
its still a fun game, i get a lot of enjoyment out it and snagged the GOTY edition for £7 last year im not complaining.
The only stupid person in here is you and your obnoxious fanboyism.
GOTY Edition was cheaper on Steam, and better in every way.
Am I supposed to think of you as anything other than a xbox360 fanboy when you play that version over the vastly superior one in every single way?
What exactly did you prefer about it? There is nothing you can even say other than it was running on your uselessbox.
[QUOTE="Jankarcop"]Fallout3 on 360....Really man?
Okay, not poor, just very stupid?
or just prefers spending their money in a diffrent manner?
its still a fun game, i get a lot of enjoyment out it and snagged the GOTY edition for £7 last year im not complaining.
The only stupid person in here is you and your obnoxious fanboyism.
GOTY Edition was cheaper on Steam, and better in every way.
Am I supposed to think of you as anything other than a xbox360 fanboy when you play that version over the vastly superior one in every single way?
What exactly did you prefer about it? There is nothing you can even say other than it was running on your uselessbox.
well for a start i dont have a gaming rig, theres no preference in this at all either i just snagged it cause i knew for bang for buck at £7 it was a good deal and had a lot of content.
Im neither a 360 fanboy either, contrary to your attitude displayed in this forum, i dont feel the need to go plough £400 into a rig when it doesnt even intrest me in the slightest either sure its all cool having better graphics but im more that guy who likes a couple hours on the box here and there nowadays i dont invest the same amount of time into gaming as i used to.
I will reiterate the fact i'd rather spend my cash on other endeavours than gaming nowadays like a new bass rig and such aswell as putting cash to the side to start working on getting some songs recorded with better gear rather than the very basic crappy demos my band has with their old bassist as a few songs have been heavily modified.
Also i dont care that its cheaper on steam cause i honestly doubt my laptop could run it without taking a hissy, surprised this muckers still going after 3 years.
Pc, why even ask?
lol hermits get the most bitter.
:-s, i don't know. Considering this one is the 1000th thread about this same topic, and the outcome are always the same, PC will always come out on top, what do you expect here? Delusional console drone at its finest :lol:.[QUOTE="AM-Gamer"][QUOTE="rjdofu"]
Pc, why even ask?
lol hermits get the most bitter.
:-s, i don't know. Considering this one is the 1000th thread about this same topic, and the outcome are always the same, PC will always come out on top, what do you expect here? Delusional console drone at its finest :lol:.Perhaps some reading comprehension would do you well scroll back and read what I posted earlier.
PS. PC will always come out on top in SW yet in sales its dead last .
I feel I have done great in that sale so far. Got twenty games for less than the price of four $20 PS3 games.While poor, it's still PC for me. Wouldn't be poor if it weren't for the f***ing Steam sale....
:-s, i don't know. Considering this one is the 1000th thread about this same topic, and the outcome are always the same, PC will always come out on top, what do you expect here? Delusional console drone at its finest :lol:.[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]
lol hermits get the most bitter.
Perhaps some reading comprehension would do you well scroll back and read what I posted earlier.
PS. PC will always come out on top in SW yet in sales its dead last .
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: sales, why so desperate? The fact that you ignore handhelds and put sh!t like iOS/android on your poll shows how intelligent you are.[QUOTE="Jankarcop"]
or just prefers spending their money in a diffrent manner?
its still a fun game, i get a lot of enjoyment out it and snagged the GOTY edition for £7 last year im not complaining.
The only stupid person in here is you and your obnoxious fanboyism.
GOTY Edition was cheaper on Steam, and better in every way.
Am I supposed to think of you as anything other than a xbox360 fanboy when you play that version over the vastly superior one in every single way?
What exactly did you prefer about it? There is nothing you can even say other than it was running on your uselessbox.
well for a start i dont have a gaming rig,
Thought so.
:-s, i don't know. Considering this one is the 1000th thread about this same topic, and the outcome are always the same, PC will always come out on top, what do you expect here? Delusional console drone at its finest :lol:.[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]
lol hermits get the most bitter.
Perhaps some reading comprehension would do you well scroll back and read what I posted earlier.
PS. PC will always come out on top in SW yet in sales its dead last .
PC is actually first in game sales :| , and users :| , and games :|
:-s, i don't know. Considering this one is the 1000th thread about this same topic, and the outcome are always the same, PC will always come out on top, what do you expect here? Delusional console drone at its finest :lol:.[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]
lol hermits get the most bitter.
PS. PC will always come out on top in SW yet in sales its dead last .
Yeah, that's not true
[QUOTE="AM-Gamer"][QUOTE="rjdofu"] :-s, i don't know. Considering this one is the 1000th thread about this same topic, and the outcome are always the same, PC will always come out on top, what do you expect here? Delusional console drone at its finest :lol:. rjdofu
Perhaps some reading comprehension would do you well scroll back and read what I posted earlier.
PS. PC will always come out on top in SW yet in sales its dead last .
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: sales, why so desperate? The fact that you ignore handhelds and put sh!t like iOS/android on your poll shows how intelligent you are.Yet you still fail at reading comprehension , I had a solid reason for having IOS/android devices since everyone hear says there killing the handhed market. I think andorid/IOS is garbage for gaming but I wanted to see the percentage of people who would actually pick them. And you are so desperate to claim victory on a SW poll whos desprate now?
[QUOTE="rjdofu"] :-s, i don't know. Considering this one is the 1000th thread about this same topic, and the outcome are always the same, PC will always come out on top, what do you expect here? Delusional console drone at its finest :lol:. lostrib
PS. PC will always come out on top in SW yet in sales its dead last .
Yeah, that's not true
Yea that is true
90% of AA and AAA multipalts sale better on consoles.
The only way you could spin it in a postiive light is if you pick out the increased revenue from FB and browser games.
PS. PC will always come out on top in SW yet in sales its dead last .
Yeah, that's not true
Yea that is true
90% of AA and AAA multipalts sale better on consoles.
The only way you could spin it in a postiive light is if you pick out the increased revenue from FB and browser games.
Well first off, the word is "sell." Second, proof? Third, PC game revenue is up 240%. Diablo III sold 6.5 million copies in a week, more and faster than most games. Steam has grown year after year. And finally, as everyone already knows, direct download sales are not tracked or accounted for.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: sales, why so desperate? The fact that you ignore handhelds and put sh!t like iOS/android on your poll shows how intelligent you are.[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="AM-Gamer"]
Perhaps some reading comprehension would do you well scroll back and read what I posted earlier.
PS. PC will always come out on top in SW yet in sales its dead last .
Yet you still fail at reading comprehension , I had a solid reason for having IOS/android devices since everyone hear says there killing the handhed market. I think andorid/IOS is garbage for gaming but I wanted to see the percentage of people who would actually pick them. And you are so desperate to claim victory on a SW poll whos desprate now?
:lol::lol::lol: OMG just pure comedy, just admit you make a bad decision and begone with it. Don't try to spin, it'll just make you look stupid.
GOTY Edition was cheaper on Steam, and better in every way.
Am I supposed to think of you as anything other than a xbox360 fanboy when you play that version over the vastly superior one in every single way?
What exactly did you prefer about it? There is nothing you can even say other than it was running on your uselessbox.
well for a start i dont have a gaming rig,
Thought so.
cause i'd rather buy this and this than a gaming rig prolly costs more aswell :P
Yeah, that's not true
Yea that is true
90% of AA and AAA multipalts sale better on consoles.
The only way you could spin it in a postiive light is if you pick out the increased revenue from FB and browser games.
Well first off, the word is "sell." Second, proof? Third, PC game revenue is up 240%. Diablo III sold 6.5 million copies in a week, more and faster than most games. Steam has grown year after year. And finally, as everyone already knows, direct download sales are not tracked or accounted for.
Except Dialbo 3 DD was acconted for . You honeslty expected anything less from D3? Hell I even bought D3 it will be the best selling game of the year on pc the problem is there will probalby be 3 console games that reach those numbers this year alone . Thats just it the console has far more games that hit those numbers. My point is he tried to act like becauae more people on SW prefered pc that it was a victory and then told me I was stupid for even having the poll and the fact is theres more people that chose consoles for gaming outside of casual facebook trash.
[QUOTE="rjdofu"] :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: sales, why so desperate? The fact that you ignore handhelds and put sh!t like iOS/android on your poll shows how intelligent you are.rjdofu
Yet you still fail at reading comprehension , I had a solid reason for having IOS/android devices since everyone hear says there killing the handhed market. I think andorid/IOS is garbage for gaming but I wanted to see the percentage of people who would actually pick them. And you are so desperate to claim victory on a SW poll whos desprate now?
:lol::lol::lol: OMG just pure comedy, just admit you make a bad decision and begone with it. Don't try to spin, it'll just make you look stupid.
Make a bad decision? You cant make me look stupid your an idiot. I alread said id take any handheld over a smartphone anyday. If you would like me to add PS3/PSVITAand WII/3ds to make you feel better I will but theres a maimum of 5 answers to choose from. I just wanted to see how many people would actually say they would game on a tablet or SP as there primary gaming device as so many financial anaylist belive its taking over the industry.
Yet you still fail at reading comprehension , I had a solid reason for having IOS/android devices since everyone hear says there killing the handhed market. I think andorid/IOS is garbage for gaming but I wanted to see the percentage of people who would actually pick them. And you are so desperate to claim victory on a SW poll whos desprate now?
:lol::lol::lol: OMG just pure comedy, just admit you make a bad decision and begone with it. Don't try to spin, it'll just make you look stupid.
Make a bad decision? You cant make me look stupid your an idiot. I alread said id take any handheld over a smartphone anyday. If you would like me to add PS3/PSVITAand WII/3ds to make you feel better I will but theres a maimum of 5 answers to choose from. I just wanted to see how many people would actually say they would game on a tablet or SP as there primary gaming device as so many financial anaylist belive its taking over the industry.
'nuf said.
Yea that is true
90% of AA and AAA multipalts sale better on consoles.
The only way you could spin it in a postiive light is if you pick out the increased revenue from FB and browser games.
Well first off, the word is "sell." Second, proof? Third, PC game revenue is up 240%. Diablo III sold 6.5 million copies in a week, more and faster than most games. Steam has grown year after year. And finally, as everyone already knows, direct download sales are not tracked or accounted for.
Except Dialbo 3 DD was acconted for . You honeslty expected anything less from D3? Hell I even bought D3 it will be the best selling game of the year on pc the problem is there will probalby be 3 console games that reach those numbers this year alone . Thats just it the console has far more games that hit those numbers. My point is he tried to act like becauae more people on SW prefered pc that it was a victory and then told me I was stupid for even having the poll and the fact is theres more people that chose consoles for gaming outside of casual facebook trash.
PC gaming is the most popular platform in the world
I prefer PC because I like the online community better than I did on Xbox, I can get games cheaper, games tend to look and run better on my rig, and when I finish a game, there are usually mods available to give the game more value.
:lol::lol::lol: OMG just pure comedy, just admit you make a bad decision and begone with it. Don't try to spin, it'll just make you look stupid.
Make a bad decision? You cant make me look stupid your an idiot. I alread said id take any handheld over a smartphone anyday. If you would like me to add PS3/PSVITAand WII/3ds to make you feel better I will but theres a maimum of 5 answers to choose from. I just wanted to see how many people would actually say they would game on a tablet or SP as there primary gaming device as so many financial anaylist belive its taking over the industry.
'nuf said.
OHHHH NO THE GRAMMER POLICE!!! yet you type like a cave man
You make a bad decision or you made a bad decision? Sorry genious if you want to play that game we can.
Well first off, the word is "sell." Second, proof? Third, PC game revenue is up 240%. Diablo III sold 6.5 million copies in a week, more and faster than most games. Steam has grown year after year. And finally, as everyone already knows, direct download sales are not tracked or accounted for.
Except Dialbo 3 DD was acconted for . You honeslty expected anything less from D3? Hell I even bought D3 it will be the best selling game of the year on pc the problem is there will probalby be 3 console games that reach those numbers this year alone . Thats just it the console has far more games that hit those numbers. My point is he tried to act like becauae more people on SW prefered pc that it was a victory and then told me I was stupid for even having the poll and the fact is theres more people that chose consoles for gaming outside of casual facebook trash.
PC gaming is the most popular platform in the world
Yet every core title such as
Batman AC, AC 2, Crysis 2, COD , BF 3 and any other game that everyone hear rushes to talk about on SW....... they all sell better on consoles. Any multiplat you are looking foward to this year? Guess what it will sell the worst on pc as all of them do. The popularity from the pc as a platform comes from titles that most people on SW could give 2 sh**s about.
Make a bad decision? You cant make me look stupid your an idiot. I alread said id take any handheld over a smartphone anyday. If you would like me to add PS3/PSVITAand WII/3ds to make you feel better I will but theres a maimum of 5 answers to choose from. I just wanted to see how many people would actually say they would game on a tablet or SP as there primary gaming device as so many financial anaylist belive its taking over the industry.
'nuf said.
OHHHH NO THE GRAMMER POLICE!!! yet you type like a cave man
You make a bad decision or you made a bad decision? Sorry genious if you want to play that game we can.
LMAO i think that joke's just gone right over your head. But yeah, whatever makes you sleep better at night, genius.
>People who don't play on PC are poor
PC fakeboys are pretty funny sometimes.
Anyway PS3 for me, followed by PC, 360, and Wii in dead last.
Unless we incorporate handhelds ionto this then I'd put the DS in between PS3/PC.
Huh i thought you're a sheep?>People who don't play on PC are poor
PC fakeboys are pretty funny sometimes.
Anyway PS3 for me, followed by PC, 360, and Wii in dead last.
Unless we incorporate handhelds ionto this then I'd put the DS in between PS3/PC.
'nuf said.
OHHHH NO THE GRAMMER POLICE!!! yet you type like a cave man
You make a bad decision or you made a bad decision? Sorry genious if you want to play that game we can.
LMAO i think that joke's just gone right over your head. But yeah, whatever makes you sleep better at night, genius.
No I got it , it just wasnt witty and as soon as you called me out I already caught you on a typo or a mispell . Its the first thing someone resorts to when they cant come up with a logical argument.
Huh i thought you're a sheep?rjdofu
Well in general terms yeah.
The DS being my second favortite handheld.
I believe the Wii has the best exclusives this gen.
I believe the DS has the second best exclusives on the market.
The N64 remains my second favorite console of all time (after PS2)
And Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/Professor Layton are some of my favorite franchises.
But other than exclusives the Wii sucked this gen.
3DS started off rough but is really looking great as of late (better than Vita)
Wii-U looks like crap though.
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