I've got nothing on you kid. JPOBS
What can I say? I'm a funny child.
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[QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="PJOBS"] lmfao oh this is too good. but not as good as acAC is better than any game on wii. Fact.
What? I'd take several Wii games over that, and very much enjoyed AC. You are saying its better than Zack & Wiki or Super Mario Galaxy, thats a bit redious. I won't call mine better, more so up to quality of something like that, but saying AC is better than all Wii games is very far-fetched.
I wasnt being seirous, that last line was flamebait. AC isnt better than every wii game, but its damn good imo.I have to agree with that, people don't give enough credit to AC.
[QUOTE="JPOBS"][QUOTE="yellowandmushy"][QUOTE="JPOBS"]It is too every bit the game I make it out to be. How could it possibly be any less than what I thought of it :|By lying. Over exaggerating. Forcing yourself to like it. All of those.where do you come up with this stuff :lol:
[QUOTE="Marth6781"]Its still a joke until I hear it from nintendo.-Spock-
Funniest thing i've read in the last hour. Miyamoto IS Nintendo.
What? No man, Nintendo is from Sony, you're getting confused with Kaz. :|:P
So this E3, Nintendo have announced a new Zelda, Mario Galaxy 2, Pikmin 3, and Animal Crossing.Sweet.
The Zelda and mario galaxy 2 titles are still uncomfirmed.
right now, I'm thinking 2010 for some of those. am not amused or excited. Wii will be under $180 by the time those games come out.
Crystal ball much?
maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
If Kid Icarus and Kirby Wii are coming this year, they sure could have used them to help their cause at e3. I think we would have seen some footage if they were coming this year. I hope you're right, though.
[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
If Kid Icarus and Kirby Wii are coming this year, they sure could have used them to help their cause at e3. I think we would have seen some footage if they were coming this year. I hope you're right, though.
No, you're right, if they were coming this year, Nintendo would have at the very least shown them. I highly doubt any of those games are coming out this year.
[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
If Kid Icarus and Kirby Wii are coming this year, they sure could have used them to help their cause at e3. I think we would have seen some footage if they were coming this year. I hope you're right, though.
WarioLand: Shake It! will definetly ship this year and odds are so will Fatal Frame IV.
[QUOTE="Vyyral"][QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
If Kid Icarus and Kirby Wii are coming this year, they sure could have used them to help their cause at e3. I think we would have seen some footage if they were coming this year. I hope you're right, though.
WarioLand: Shake It! will definetly ship this year and odds are so will Fatal Frame IV.
True, both of those could be neat. I'm actually super excited for Mega Man 9, too.
But Nintendo usually has had at least one "must have" game around the Christmas period, and I don't think either of those are it.
[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
[QUOTE="Vyyral"][QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
If Kid Icarus and Kirby Wii are coming this year, they sure could have used them to help their cause at e3. I think we would have seen some footage if they were coming this year. I hope you're right, though.
WarioLand: Shake It! will definetly ship this year and odds are so will Fatal Frame IV.
Warioland has a late Sept release date right now. Fatal Frame IV is NO WHERE to be found in my release schdule that my distributor sends me. I've gone through all the games my distributor says is coming this year for the Wii and I can't see a single one that looks like it will be hyped AAA.
NEither of the live bloggers had the detail that GS had on the event. Oh and just for kicks IGN didnt even report ANYTHING about pikmin on thier blog about the event.
EDIT: forget the IGN thing, but Im still certain that it was a joke. Read the actual ocnference not just the "we're making pikmin" cause it will mislead you.
You're certainly trying not to believe this. Really surprising for a Nintendo fan. If Miyamoto stating it's in development isn't a proper confirmation, then I guess neither is Iwata saying a new Mario and Zelda are in development. And then all you're left with is frickin Animal Crossing. Basically, BELIEVE, man.
the problem is that you're left with Animal crossing either way.the fact that these games didnt show up at E3, and he only mentioned them after being pressured by reporters, and hesitantly even then, means that these games are a long, long way off.
How far away they are isn't the most important point here. With new Mario, Zelda, Pikmin and probably other stuff we don't know about in development, these announcements - even if they're as informal as this - prove that Nintendo do still care about us, the hardcore userbase. Perhaps not as much as they used to, i'll admit, but there are certainly still things to keep us interested.
The ultra-casual conference and Reggie's response to our cries led us to believe that Nintendo had turned their backs on us - but really, it's just that they aren't yet ready to fully unveil their core projects, and Reggie doesn't want to lose his job by letting slip the existence of these key titles. Miyamoto and Iwata were the only people in a high enough position to do that, and they just did.
NEither of the live bloggers had the detail that GS had on the event. Oh and just for kicks IGN didnt even report ANYTHING about pikmin on thier blog about the event.
EDIT: forget the IGN thing, but Im still certain that it was a joke. Read the actual ocnference not just the "we're making pikmin" cause it will mislead you.
You're certainly trying not to believe this. Really surprising for a Nintendo fan. If Miyamoto stating it's in development isn't a proper confirmation, then I guess neither is Iwata saying a new Mario and Zelda are in development. And then all you're left with is frickin Animal Crossing. Basically, BELIEVE, man.
the problem is that you're left with Animal crossing either way.the fact that these games didnt show up at E3, and he only mentioned them after being pressured by reporters, and hesitantly even then, means that these games are a long, long way off.
How far away they are isn't the most important point here. With new Mario, Zelda, Pikmin and probably other stuff we don't know about in development, these announcements - even if they're as informal as this - prove that Nintendo do still care about us, the hardcore userbase. Perhaps not as much as they used to, i'll admit, but there are certainly still things to keep us interested.
The ultra-casual conference and Reggie's response to our cries led us to believe that Nintendo had turned their backs on us - but really, it's just that they aren't yet ready to fully unveil their core projects, and Reggie doesn't want to lose his job by letting slip the existence of these key titles. Miyamoto and Iwata were the only people in a high enough position to do that, and they just did.
if anyone seriously believed that nintendo we'ren't making more mario and zelda games, the only thing i want to know is what were they smoking and were can i get it.So all of a sudden, everybody is buying back their wii? :lol:enral
and ninty wins again. people sell it in dissapointment, ninty "announces" a game, people buy more wiis.
Wasn't this kinda how Super Smash Bros. was announced like way back in 2005?
I remember when they were getting everyone amped up over what games we will expect on the "Nintendo Revolution" at the time, and at the end they kinda blurted out "Oh yeah, and there will be a new Smash Bros. title launching with The Revolution".... Truth was, there was never a Smash Bros. title even in development at the time, and it took them a little longer to get started so they could keep their promise that there will be a new SSB game on Wii. It didn't launch with Wii, but we at last got it.
What if that's kinda how it will play with Pikmin? What if this will be a game that we wont even get to see for years from now? Oh well.
[QUOTE="Vyyral"][QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
If Kid Icarus and Kirby Wii are coming this year, they sure could have used them to help their cause at e3. I think we would have seen some footage if they were coming this year. I hope you're right, though.
No, you're right, if they were coming this year, Nintendo would have at the very least shown them. I highly doubt any of those games are coming out this year.
QFT.In short, aside from Animal Crossing, the Wii is almost dead this year.
and if you don't like Animal Crossing, E3 simply confirmed the need to make funeral arrangements.
I'm not asking for much, am I? The other consoles are giving me 3 or 4 games I must own by the end of this year.
Why can't the Wii?
[QUOTE="supercubedude64"][QUOTE="Vyyral"][QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
If Kid Icarus and Kirby Wii are coming this year, they sure could have used them to help their cause at e3. I think we would have seen some footage if they were coming this year. I hope you're right, though.
No, you're right, if they were coming this year, Nintendo would have at the very least shown them. I highly doubt any of those games are coming out this year.
QFT.In short, aside from Animal Crossing, the Wii is almost dead this year.
and if you don't like Animal Crossing, E3 simply confirmed the need to make funeral arrangements.
I'm not asking for much, am I? The other consoles are giving me 3 or 4 games I must own by the end of this year.
Why can't the Wii?
Third party games. For the first time in forever, Nintendo has third party games that look really good.
coming in 2008? which ones?Third party games. For the first time in forever, Nintendo has third party games that look really good.
[QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]these things are obvious. there's always a team working on the next system seller. it's about showing it. it's about giving us a date range.
right now, I'm thinking 2010 for some of those. am not amused or excited. Wii will be under $180 by the time those games come out.
Crystal ball much?
maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
My comment was in reference to you predicting those games coming out in 2010. Like I said, crystal ball much?
And now you're shortening the time to 2009? :lol: Damage control :)
You're like the little spoiled kid. You get mad at your parents for not giving you what you want, and then when they turn around and say they'll give it to you next week, you scream and say why can't you get it now.
Seriously, I really thought you were one of the more sensible posters on SW. At least consider that great games take time to make and it's not like E3 is the gaming behemoth it was for megaton gaming news to be presented now. In the meantime, go support some 3rd party games.
I'm generally more excited right now for 3rd party games and that is enough to hold me until Nintendo does release some of their other games.
if anyone seriously believed that nintendo we'ren't making more mario and zelda games, the only thing i want to know is what were they smoking and were can i get it.
Did you not see the backlash and meltdowns? "Animal Crossing, GTA DS, WTF that's it!? Console sold, Nintendo is dead!". I'll admit that I was one of them, as things truly looked bleak for the hardcore gamer after that conference. At least we now know there is something for us.
Its still a joke until I hear it from nintendo.Marth6781
that is all.
if i can work this in...could i sig this?
[QUOTE="supercubedude64"][QUOTE="Vyyral"][QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
If Kid Icarus and Kirby Wii are coming this year, they sure could have used them to help their cause at e3. I think we would have seen some footage if they were coming this year. I hope you're right, though.
No, you're right, if they were coming this year, Nintendo would have at the very least shown them. I highly doubt any of those games are coming out this year.
QFT.In short, aside from Animal Crossing, the Wii is almost dead this year.
and if you don't like Animal Crossing, E3 simply confirmed the need to make funeral arrangements.
I'm not asking for much, am I? The other consoles are giving me 3 or 4 games I must own by the end of this year.
Why can't the Wii?
nintendo isn't targeting you anymore, they are targeting non gamers as you can probly tell by their entire e3.
okay. let me calm down and be reasonable.Seriously, I really thought you were one of the more sensible posters on SW. At least consider that great games take time to make and it's not like E3 is the gaming behemoth it was for megaton gaming news to be presented now. In the meantime, go support some 3rd party games.
I'm generally more excited right now for 3rd party games and that is enough to hold me until Nintendo does release some of their other games.
let me know what games are coming in 2008 NOT named Animal Crossing (because I know I won't buy that) and I'll keep it.
I feel like this because I feel like there won't be anything for me to buy for the thing for the next 12 months. I can sell it and make a profit, then buy another one in 12 months for less.
So tell me what I can look forward to. If you can give me 3 games, I'll keep it. Just looking for a reason to keep it now. :(
[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]maybe you should re-read my post there, bucko...
I simply asked for someone to let me know when they announce a game...COMING IN 2008...that I will care about. new iterrations of those other games I mentioned are late 2009 at the earliest and you know it. if that wasn't the case, we'da seen some footage.
If Kid Icarus and Kirby Wii are coming this year, they sure could have used them to help their cause at e3. I think we would have seen some footage if they were coming this year. I hope you're right, though.
Kirby is Q4 2008 only if you live in Japan.Atleast say the release date. Probably it will be 09 anyway.ma7moud93you'd think late '09 at the earliest. and no reason to be shocked to see any of them slip into 2010. Twilight Princess was delayed what? 8 or 10 months?
okay. let me calm down and be reasonable.[QUOTE="Zhengi"]
Seriously, I really thought you were one of the more sensible posters on SW. At least consider that great games take time to make and it's not like E3 is the gaming behemoth it was for megaton gaming news to be presented now. In the meantime, go support some 3rd party games.
I'm generally more excited right now for 3rd party games and that is enough to hold me until Nintendo does release some of their other games.
let me know what games are coming in 2008 NOT named Animal Crossing (because I know I won't buy that) and I'll keep it.
I feel like this because I feel like there won't be anything for me to buy for the thing for the next 12 months. I can sell it and make a profit, then buy another one in 12 months for less.
So tell me what I can look forward to. If you can give me 3 games, I'll keep it. Just looking for a reason to keep it now. :(
Not sure about you, but for me, I'm looking forward to Harvest Moon, Samba de Amigo, Sim City, MLB Power Pros, de Blob, Pro Evolution Soccer, Tales of Symphonia, Sonic Unleashed, and of course, Animal Crossing.
If you want to sell it for a profit, you should sell it. No one is stopping you or trying to convince you to keep it. I'm just surprised you've gone all crazy over all of this especially since Nintendo just released some of their biggest games. It would be great if there were more games from them for the rest of the year (we're not even sure if they won't announce anything else), but right now, I blame 3rd parties more for not taking the opportunity to fill the void since they have the chance right now to sell games without Nintendo releasing a big game. Oh well, wasted chance for them.
So this E3, Nintendo have announced a new Zelda, Mario Galaxy 2, Pikmin 3, and Animal Crossing.Sweet.
Super Mario Galaxy 2!? Where does it say that!?
I'm going to eat that up!
[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]okay. let me calm down and be reasonable.[QUOTE="Zhengi"]
Seriously, I really thought you were one of the more sensible posters on SW. At least consider that great games take time to make and it's not like E3 is the gaming behemoth it was for megaton gaming news to be presented now. In the meantime, go support some 3rd party games.
I'm generally more excited right now for 3rd party games and that is enough to hold me until Nintendo does release some of their other games.
let me know what games are coming in 2008 NOT named Animal Crossing (because I know I won't buy that) and I'll keep it.
I feel like this because I feel like there won't be anything for me to buy for the thing for the next 12 months. I can sell it and make a profit, then buy another one in 12 months for less.
So tell me what I can look forward to. If you can give me 3 games, I'll keep it. Just looking for a reason to keep it now. :(
Not sure about you, but for me, I'm looking forward to Harvest Moon, Samba de Amigo, Sim City, MLB Power Pros, de Blob, Pro Evolution Soccer, Tales of Symphonia, Sonic Unleashed, and of course, Animal Crossing.
If you want to sell it for a profit, you should sell it. No one is stopping you or trying to convince you to keep it. I'm just surprised you've gone all crazy over all of this especially since Nintendo just released some of their biggest games. It would be great if there were more games from them for the rest of the year (we're not even sure if they won't announce anything else), but right now, I blame 3rd parties more for not taking the opportunity to fill the void since they have the chance right now to sell games without Nintendo releasing a big game. Oh well, wasted chance for them.
yea man. damn. out of your entire list, the only one that interested me in the slightest was Tales of Symphonia. Just that.*sigh*
[QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]okay. let me calm down and be reasonable.[QUOTE="Zhengi"]
Seriously, I really thought you were one of the more sensible posters on SW. At least consider that great games take time to make and it's not like E3 is the gaming behemoth it was for megaton gaming news to be presented now. In the meantime, go support some 3rd party games.
I'm generally more excited right now for 3rd party games and that is enough to hold me until Nintendo does release some of their other games.
let me know what games are coming in 2008 NOT named Animal Crossing (because I know I won't buy that) and I'll keep it.
I feel like this because I feel like there won't be anything for me to buy for the thing for the next 12 months. I can sell it and make a profit, then buy another one in 12 months for less.
So tell me what I can look forward to. If you can give me 3 games, I'll keep it. Just looking for a reason to keep it now. :(
Not sure about you, but for me, I'm looking forward to Harvest Moon, Samba de Amigo, Sim City, MLB Power Pros, de Blob, Pro Evolution Soccer, Tales of Symphonia, Sonic Unleashed, and of course, Animal Crossing.
If you want to sell it for a profit, you should sell it. No one is stopping you or trying to convince you to keep it. I'm just surprised you've gone all crazy over all of this especially since Nintendo just released some of their biggest games. It would be great if there were more games from them for the rest of the year (we're not even sure if they won't announce anything else), but right now, I blame 3rd parties more for not taking the opportunity to fill the void since they have the chance right now to sell games without Nintendo releasing a big game. Oh well, wasted chance for them.
yea man. damn. out of your entire list, the only one that interested me in the slightest was Tales of Symphonia. Just that.*sigh*
The only 2008 game on 360 that interests me is Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.
Believe it or not, a lot of those games he named are actually good. If Tales of Symphonia 2 is in the only one that interests you, then you are missing out.
[QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]okay. let me calm down and be reasonable.[QUOTE="Zhengi"]
Seriously, I really thought you were one of the more sensible posters on SW. At least consider that great games take time to make and it's not like E3 is the gaming behemoth it was for megaton gaming news to be presented now. In the meantime, go support some 3rd party games.
I'm generally more excited right now for 3rd party games and that is enough to hold me until Nintendo does release some of their other games.
let me know what games are coming in 2008 NOT named Animal Crossing (because I know I won't buy that) and I'll keep it.
I feel like this because I feel like there won't be anything for me to buy for the thing for the next 12 months. I can sell it and make a profit, then buy another one in 12 months for less.
So tell me what I can look forward to. If you can give me 3 games, I'll keep it. Just looking for a reason to keep it now. :(
Not sure about you, but for me, I'm looking forward to Harvest Moon, Samba de Amigo, Sim City, MLB Power Pros, de Blob, Pro Evolution Soccer, Tales of Symphonia, Sonic Unleashed, and of course, Animal Crossing.
If you want to sell it for a profit, you should sell it. No one is stopping you or trying to convince you to keep it. I'm just surprised you've gone all crazy over all of this especially since Nintendo just released some of their biggest games. It would be great if there were more games from them for the rest of the year (we're not even sure if they won't announce anything else), but right now, I blame 3rd parties more for not taking the opportunity to fill the void since they have the chance right now to sell games without Nintendo releasing a big game. Oh well, wasted chance for them.
yea man. damn. out of your entire list, the only one that interested me in the slightest was Tales of Symphonia. Just that.*sigh*
Then by all means sell it. Warioland shakeit is also coming out this year. Games like we love golf,Sam & Max Season One ,Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars ,Castlevania Judgment ,Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels ,Mario Super Sluggers and Deadly Creatures are all coming out this year.
[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"][QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]okay. let me calm down and be reasonable.[QUOTE="Zhengi"]
Seriously, I really thought you were one of the more sensible posters on SW. At least consider that great games take time to make and it's not like E3 is the gaming behemoth it was for megaton gaming news to be presented now. In the meantime, go support some 3rd party games.
I'm generally more excited right now for 3rd party games and that is enough to hold me until Nintendo does release some of their other games.
let me know what games are coming in 2008 NOT named Animal Crossing (because I know I won't buy that) and I'll keep it.
I feel like this because I feel like there won't be anything for me to buy for the thing for the next 12 months. I can sell it and make a profit, then buy another one in 12 months for less.
So tell me what I can look forward to. If you can give me 3 games, I'll keep it. Just looking for a reason to keep it now. :(
Not sure about you, but for me, I'm looking forward to Harvest Moon, Samba de Amigo, Sim City, MLB Power Pros, de Blob, Pro Evolution Soccer, Tales of Symphonia, Sonic Unleashed, and of course, Animal Crossing.
If you want to sell it for a profit, you should sell it. No one is stopping you or trying to convince you to keep it. I'm just surprised you've gone all crazy over all of this especially since Nintendo just released some of their biggest games. It would be great if there were more games from them for the rest of the year (we're not even sure if they won't announce anything else), but right now, I blame 3rd parties more for not taking the opportunity to fill the void since they have the chance right now to sell games without Nintendo releasing a big game. Oh well, wasted chance for them.
yea man. damn. out of your entire list, the only one that interested me in the slightest was Tales of Symphonia. Just that.*sigh*
Then by all means sell it. Warioland shakeit is also coming out this year. Games like we love golf,Sam & Max Season One ,Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars ,Castlevania Judgment ,Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels ,Mario Super Sluggers and Deadly Creatures are all coming out this year.
Let me add Guitar Hero IV: World Tour, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Fatal Frame IV, Fragile, Lost Winds 2, Sky Crawlers, Madden 2009 and other sports titles, and a lot more games.
Wii has nothing for 2008? Now that's just a joke!
Disaster: Day of CrisisDeathScape666What's going on with that game anyway? No showing at all at E3 so far...
[QUOTE="DeathScape666"]Disaster: Day of Crisism_machine024What's going on with that game anyway? No showing at all at E3 so far...
Yeah, it was supposed to be out in Japan by now, but a real "disaster" kept this from happening.
It better be here by 2008.
If Nintendo's conference was an hour and a half longer, do you think they would've showed more hardcore games, like Disaster: Day of Crisis?
Can anyone confirm Fatal Frame 4 coming in 2008 to the US?
[QUOTE="DeathScape666"]Disaster: Day of Crisism_machine024What's going on with that game anyway? No showing at all at E3 so far...be skeptical.
What's going on with that game anyway? No showing at all at E3 so far...[QUOTE="m_machine024"][QUOTE="DeathScape666"]Disaster: Day of CrisisDeathScape666
Yeah, it was supposed to be out in Japan by now, but a real "disaster" kept this from happening.
It better be here by 2008.
If Nintendo's conference was an hour and a half longer, do you think they would've showed more hardcore games, like Disaster: Day of Crisis?
wait, so the game just went from "fa sho 2008" when you replied to me to "it better come" not 1 post later?do you see why I'm frustrated? no straight answers. No confidence. No really big games locked into 2008.
I'm still waiting for confrimation of Fatal Frame 4 in the US this year, BTW.
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