So good ol michael pachter, who is always right and never wrong, once again said piracy is killing PC gaming.
seriously, this is just getting old, mindless sheep who keep believing this rubbish propaganda from console related companies.
Witcher 2 was a singleplayer only game and had no DRM and was aimed at high end PC's, sold over 1mil copies and if the CEO of Valve says piracy doesnt matter and everytime Blizzard get asked about it in a interview they just laugh all the way to the bank.
another thing that annoys me, its that people pretend that consoles and handhelds dont have piracy, can you pirate Skyrim and MW3 on PC? no, can you on Xbox 360? yes, people are really uneducated about this subject.
one more problem is digital sales being impossible to track, nuh my god PC games selling bad at retail? no way, no PC gamer buys digital, low sales must mean teh pirates.
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