Ew no... I'd rather have EA buy Darksiders. They'll anime and JRPG the sh!t out of it and all there games are sh!tty console games.I posted it already in the THQ topic but heh, i feel like making a thread about it so...
Here goes
Metal Gear Rising and Bayonetta 2 developer Platinum Games wants to buy the Darksiders IP, which unfortunately didnt make a sale at yesterdays THQ IP and studio auction.
Darksiders seriously didnt sell at THQs studio and bulk IP sale? I want to buy it if it was cheap, said Platinum Games producer Atsushi Inaba in a tweet.
Following todays announcements, Darksiders franchise lead designer Haydn Dalton tweeted: There was a shimmer on a slither of hope, that at one point, thered be a Darksiders III: 4 Player Co-Op; It rode off into the sunset today.
What do you say, THQ? Can ya slip an IP Platinumsway at a discount price?
Make it happen!
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