omg LOL@ poll
all those 12 year olds chose second option xD
kojima hasent made gameing what it is today, he has simply made 1 great frenchise (zone of the enders) and 1 ok one (MGS)
miyamoto has made the platformer, he nailed 3d gaming, he made zelda (speakes for itself)
made donkey kong, metroid, star fox, and many more.
of course, 12 year olds werent around at this time, so they dont know
Attacking the supposed "12 year old fans" of the MGS series while acting like a 12 year old yourself.
The irony is obviously lost on you. :|
i think your missing the point,
this isnt about who you like more. its about who did more for gaming,
suda51 is my favorit game disigner, but that dosent mean i think he surpasses miyamoto
he didnt do as much revolutionary as miyamoto did, and kojima simply cant match up.
and i didnt call kojima fans 12 year olds, i called the people who chose opinion nr .2 that, cuz they clearly werent old enough to know about miyamotos great work.
i didnt know so many people didnt read the thread title :P
Eh no I'm not missing the point.
I was responding directly to your immature and condescending post.
People are still allowed opinions.
Even though I have a preference for Kojima's work(as do many people if this poll is any eveidence),I agree though that Myamoto has probably done more for gaming and definitely has created some legendary franchises,
The difference is I can appreciate a different point of view because I'm not some zealot who throws a hissy-fit when someone has the audacity to contradict my point of view.
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