That was one epic scene.
almost cried :cry:
My contribution [spoiler] [/spoiler]
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out of this world
That game was sooo awesome and full of epic win. Here it was called "Another World" though. Still have the 15th anniversary edition for PC and this thread makes me go and play it again right now.
[QUOTE="TX360"]Halo 3 had some epic moments.kid_who_grew_up
So did halo and halo 2.
The fight in the second snow level (forgot the name) in Halo CE was awesome. With the two convenant tanks, hunters and tons of elites. The level where you had to grab a banshee at the end of the fight to destroy convenant generators.Some more. So many great games back in the days,
This was one of the first RPGs I played. I threw away all of the basic clothes of my characters because they didn't increase my armor and you could only carry a certain amount of weight. I felt so smart until I entered the next town. My guys got beaten up badly by the residents for running through their streets naked.
Another amazing RPG on Amiga.
You have to love depressive tentacles.
Or good old Max.
Irenicus was a beast, too. Makes me all nostalgic.
I couldn't find pictures for these, so Ill just explain them.
In Super Mario Bros the first time I realised you could go down the pipes.
In OoT entering Hyrule Field
In Twilight Princess, the opening scene. It still brings a smile to my face.
In Metroid Prime 3, fighting Meta Ridley
In Super Mario Galaxy, at the end when everything was sucked into the big Twister. It was awe inspiring.
That was a surprisingly powerful scene.
Tears came literally out of my face during the scene :cry:
One of the best endings in an MGS game, I believe.... has much more of an emotional impact than MGS4's long winded finale, and MGS2's garbled mess. Hard to compare it to MGS1's....
While the game itself has *too many moments*, this one still sticks out as my favourite - and I believe still stands as one of the best levels ever designed in an FPS.
Time too Kick it up a Notch.
Jungle Strike
Who Framed Rogger Rabbit.
The Most Epic Dog of all time :P
I was trying to find a picture for the explosion of Halo at the end of the Maw but i couldnt find one:cry:
Killzone has a great universe(coming from a Halo fan) but i felt that KZ2 did not expand on it enough than it should of....KZ2 Kind of ended like Halo 2....A BIG DAMN CLIFFHANGER lol i just wanted it to keep going...Screw what everybody says. Killzone 2 has a very good story. Rico is a very good character. I would go on, but I won't spoil anythingKilIzone3
I'll go with this also... Best boss battle of all time.
This, followed by the final hit, but i couldn't find an image.
Also, MGS3 end.
The whole Donkey Kong Country series, espeically the second one, just blew me away as a kid. Absolutely beautiful and mysterious levels, the best soundtrack in game I've ever heard, and was just plain out fun with just enough difficulty. I LOVE these games.
My next memorable experience was definitely Sonic Adventure, the entire game.. I thought the characters were amazing and cool. I never felt such a good sense of exploration since then either. I felt like I had a whole world to wonder around. Every character is a blast to play as, even Big, and the chao system kept me addicted. I can't express enough love for this game; it's my favorite game of all time.
Halo:CE was simply amazing, and one of my most memorable experiences is actually just playing the first level. I had no idea what Halo or an Xbox was until my dad let me try out his. I was stunned. Never before have I seen such graphics and mature gameplay before. I felt like I was an adult though I was only in like fourth grade and could barely hold the controller. The first level was intense and a blast to play. I also have to say I had some of the greatest lan parties ever on this game.
And my most recent memorable experience would be Mass Effect. My favorite game of this generation and one of my favorites ever. I could go on and on about this one, but I thought the speech on the Normandy Sheperd gives while leaving the Citadel was just a powerful moment and awesome. Oh, and driving on that highway with all the Geth ships flying everywhere was badass, too.
Playing Halo: CE for the first time, particularly playing through the second level
The Most epic end to a game ever imo
Scariest level ive ever played in a game: Thief: Deadly Shadows - Cradle
Best setting for a game EVAR! (couldnt find original image)
Best GTA mission
Most emotional scene ever
Just everything about this game
The whole scene in Metal Gear Solid when Sniper Wolf dies. I played this game when I was 12-14, and I almost cried. It really made me appreciate games a whole lot more. [EDIT] - Couldn't find the right screenshot, but if you played it you'll know anyways.
One of my favourite levels in a FPS.
This blew my mind.
Ushered in a whole new gaming experience for me.
How could i forget this.
And of course the completly fantastic music.
At the time Hyrule seemed massive. I was in awe.
The driving sequence in the last level of Halo CE was great. There were a lot of memorable moments for me in that game.
You're probably think "meh-heh?" Well this map is where I had my first online multiplayer game ever so I'll never forget it...maybe.
C'mon guys, dont let die this thread.
This was so cheesy, and exciting at the same time.
A couldn't find a PS1 pic, but i guess you get the idea.
I will just limit it to this gen for simplicity.
This is when I knew next gen was here. I was in awe the entire game.SpruceCaboose
This is still my favorite game from this entire generation thus far.
Every single moment of the game. Every. Single. Moment.
If you can't tell what it is then I'll help you out:
Silent Hill 2.
Pyramid Head.
Anyone remember this boss?
!000+ points.
But the trash compactor boss was more memorable for me.
One of my favourite levels in a FPS.
*Facility from Goldeneye*Lanezy
What COD is that?
My gamestore might have it.Lto_thaG
In chronological order...
This game was like crack growing up. It basically introduced me and many others to gaming, when this title screen appeared for the first time I was hooked.
Co-op... gangs... violence... leather... a six year old's mind corrupted forever!
3D was like Blu-Ray/HD/Hologram is today back in 96/97 - Mario begat the best console in history and winded many cartridge blowers eager to play, easily, the best Mario game.
I never understood it myself, I didn't like the gameplay one bit, I was still in awe of this game, I could watch somebody play it for hours just for the setting and story.
To this day I am horrified by it. The opening "The American Dream" where Payne returns home is one of the best openings in gaming history.
A lot of people will remember this. Frontline set a new standard for spectacle in war games. This scene is what made CoD.
Fantastic. The game is above the pre-concieved superlatives we use. Moments like the finale and other set pieces really get you. But it is the moments when you look behind the closed doors that you can unravel the mystery and get your own view on how comprehensive Valve made this game world. It is as linear as you make it, remember.
This. A game loosely based on Scarface encapsulating the 80s for a younger generation who never saw it and making it look cool. Pick any moment here it's ALL good.
The 90s got a similar treatment. I cannot deny that I wasted so much time on this game, if only R* stuck to the formula of delivering the concept of a renegade criminal in a sandbox world rather than sticking minigames on a polished but over-used New York that we have ALL SEEN BEFORE TY, very much!
Gaming. What were you until Oblivion came along? Well you certainly didn't look as good as this. And your game worlds were never so comprehensive. Stepping into the Oblivion gate for the first time is definately worth a mention.
The ground-breaking graphics, the gameplay, the multiplayer. Games should be as focussed as this. A close-call on almost every multiplayer game, the tension makes this game so memorable.
Epic. CoD is an unmatched series and Moder Warfare took it to commerical and critical Olympus. This scene is one of many set pieces that stays in my gaming consciousness.
Nevermind how it looks, the game dwarves Halo in terms of scale. The realism is unparallelled and the scenes just scream "Hollywood. Blockbuster. Epic"
I shall say no more, this game is full of memorable moments, this picture (containing many spoilers in it's context) sums it all up.
This, and i suppose many more games to come continue to surprise me, it'll be hard to forget some games that are coming this year! I cannot wait!
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