Man, I am amazed at the level of hate this game is getting. After the success of RE4, and this one is being hated on because it did not reinvent the wheel, and instead is true to what made RE4 so great gameplay wise? I was once on the "it is too similar to RE4" bandwagon as well, but after playing the demo, I was reminded of why I loved RE4 so much. It gave me that same suspenseful feeling that I got when playing RE4 for the first time, only this one felt a bit more tense, while RE4 had a much darker vibe to accompany the suspense.
So what if it is going to have more of an action element implemented in it? With the visuals and special effects on display, are you really going to complain? I mean, come on. The survival horror element is still fully intact as well. Running around tight corridors with mobs of hatchet weilding infected lumbering after, and surrounding you while you are looking for more ammo is not survival horror?
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