At least one professional critic has some sense left.Revan_911You really don't like being a part of a minority do you?
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At least one professional critic has some sense left.Revan_911You really don't like being a part of a minority do you?
[QUOTE="mtradr43"]idk where they got 7.5 from, i went through a couple reviews on that site and none of them give any numerical scores that i can notice.OdrecFor sites with no score Metacritic sets their own score considering what it says in the review. Well that 7.5 can be removed then. How can Metacritic give a score for someone else's review? The should even include that review on their site if it doesn't have a score from the reviewer itself.
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]At least one professional critic has some sense left.skinny_man_69You really don't like being a part of a minority do you? Well the majority of my class thinks "Never Back Down" is the greatest movie ever made. So i would gladly stay out of the majority.
[QUOTE="xhawk27"]Sony fanboy sites don't rate Ninja Blade higher than UC2 and MGS4. Yes, this Brad fellow is that horrible at being a reviewer.Sony fanboy sites in damage control! :lol:
somebody should make that thread "ninja blade>>>uc2 & mgs4 combined!!!!"
[QUOTE="xhawk27"]Sony fanboy sites don't rate Ninja Blade higher than UC2 and MGS4. Yes, this Brad fellow is that horrible at being a reviewer.Sony fanboy sites in damage control! :lol:
If he rated that game higher than those games why is anyone including Sony fanboys giving his review of ME2 any credibility at all? :lol:
Sony fanboy sites don't rate Ninja Blade higher than UC2 and MGS4. Yes, this Brad fellow is that horrible at being a reviewer.[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="xhawk27"]
Sony fanboy sites in damage control! :lol:
If he rated that game higher than those games why is anyone including Sony fanboys giving his review of ME2 any credibility at all? :lol:
Because they don't take the time to look at this sad man's other reviews.[QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"]Yeah, giving a review riddled with spoilers and completely skip the mp. That's some journalistic integrity there, buddy. But what the hell do you care? As long as it agrees with your agenda, **** integrity right? :roll:No reply, huh? Thought so.[QUOTE="Odrec"] A 7 for Halo 3 sounds about right. Good to see some sites rating it apropriately.SpiritOfFire117
You take this SW stuff too seriously..I mean really LMAO :lol: Did you ever think that maybe He went OUT and hes doing something other then posting on gamespot? -__-
No reply, huh? Thought so.[QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"][QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"] Yeah, giving a review riddled with spoilers and completely skip the mp. That's some journalistic integrity there, buddy. But what the hell do you care? As long as it agrees with your agenda, **** integrity right? :roll:
You take this SW stuff too seriously..I mean really LMAO :lol: Did you ever think that maybe He went OUT and hes doing something other then posting on gamespot? -__-
No, because he's been posting in another thread. Having a debate with me and a few other posters.
[QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"]Yeah, giving a review riddled with spoilers and completely skip the mp. That's some journalistic integrity there, buddy. But what the hell do you care? As long as it agrees with your agenda, **** integrity right? :roll: Halo 3 also shines in its much-lauded multiplayer combat mode. There are a wealth of maps and game modes to play on, and the matchmaking system is great at fixing players up based on their skill level, ensuring that most players should be able to get right into the action without any trouble. The only niggling problem when using the matchmaking system is players have very little say in what type of game they'll be playing and if they choose to start a custom game, all the players have to be invited. This forces gamers to choose between losing control or becoming social. Regardless, the multiplayer game plays fantastically. Halo 3's uncomplicated running and gunning style fits the deathmatch concept perfectly. Almost as if the controls were designed with the multiplayer in mind, as opposed to the single. Maybe you should try reading the review before making up stuff to suit your agenda. Just an advice ;) LOL OWNED![QUOTE="Odrec"] A 7 for Halo 3 sounds about right. Good to see some sites rating it appropriately.Odrec
You guys are well aware that a 7.5 is good right? I'm sick of there critic always giving big name games ridiculously high score. It seems the bigger the game, the better scores it gets. I would like to see reviewers get a little more strict on the reviews, they are giving amazing scores for good games at best.SF_KiLLaMaNHere's my advice, stop your whining, and just play the damn games. Comprende amigo?
[QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"]Yeah, giving a review riddled with spoilers and completely skip the mp. That's some journalistic integrity there, buddy. But what the hell do you care? As long as it agrees with your agenda, **** integrity right? :roll: No reply, huh? Thought so.[QUOTE="Odrec"] A 7 for Halo 3 sounds about right. Good to see some sites rating it appropriately.SpiritOfFire117
this guy is the toughest person on this board. its just amazing how tough he is
There are too many MS haters out there for a 360/PC game to get all 9's and above. Just be happy the average is as high as it is.
No reply, huh? Thought so.[QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"][QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"] Yeah, giving a review riddled with spoilers and completely skip the mp. That's some journalistic integrity there, buddy. But what the hell do you care? As long as it agrees with your agenda, **** integrity right? :roll:
this guy is the toughest person on this board. its just amazing how tough he is
I know it's sarcasm but, what is that supposed to mean o0?
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