I've notice that there has been this perception problem with PC. Everyone I know who is a console only gamer believes PC gaming requires you to constantly upgrade your system, update your drivers (I bet these people don't even know what they're talking about when you say you have to update your drivers and it's not as often as you think), it has no exclusives, you can't use a controller, you can't game on the couch, can't play with friends locally without lan,etc.
Another thing is propaganda a lot people still actually believe there consoles are playing games in 1080p just because the back of Game box list "supported displays" and the TV will say the resolution is 1080p but what they don't know is that game is just upscaling to 1080p AKA stretching the resolution to fit the screen. When me and other PC gamers try to explain this to them they just deny it and scream LALALALALALA Metal Gear Solid 4 and Uncharted are 1080p you PC elitist fanboys!!!!!! MY TV SAID SO!!!!
When I look at graphics comparisons people say "who cares the difference is slight I don't wanna pay $2000 for slightly better graphics" I can easily tell the difference between a PC and Console on a multiplat title. Slight is when you compare Xbox 360 to PS3 not PC. Youtube quality decreases the overall look, and if it doesn't help people think the differnce between BF3 on PC and PS3 are slight due to a poor job of making a proper comparison, both are highly compressed, both sides are reduced to tiny screens instead of being it stead of a comparison done by some one like Robbaz who does it more properly clearly. People are still looking at the outdated Crysis 2 PC and Console comparisons forgetting that DX11 and Hi rez texture pack have been released and assuming "I don't see the big difference except the $1000 price difference why bother with PC when I can just an Xbox 360 and a 42in 1080p TV".
Youtube is another problem far too many people down their spread false information about pc gaming.
For starters when it comes to marketing at the end of the commercial for a multiplat game I notice they the PC DVD logo and Games for Windows logo ridiculously small in comparison to the console logos I mean come on it's like this vs
Which logos do you think people will recognize more quickly in the short few seconds before the commercial ends?
When PC games were still being sold heavily throughout retail stores I noticed they pratically never had a PC setup with for people to try demos on outside of games like WoW, meanwhile people are playing a multiplat title that is also on PC on the set up consoles.
Another thing I noticed is that games exclusive to consoles get more marketing exposure then their PC counterparts. You always see commercials for Console Exclusives but when it comes to PC exclusives the last one I can think of is StarCraft 2. The Original Crysis PC Exclusive did not have a TV Commercial but Crysis 2 the multiplat along with other marketing campaigns for it certainly did. I know games on PC can sell fine without them but showing PC exclusives on TV could get some exposure to the uninformed console gamers and encourage them to get a PC capable of gaming. With the direct PC hardware is heading AMD is making PC gaming more affordable for the ones that don't wanna forkout over $600. An AMD APU llano laptop can get you entry level gaming on medium-low settings at the laptop's native resolution or near it. Imagine what they could pull of for desktops since they have a much better price to performance ratio then laptop counterparts.
I mean look a $450-$600 laptops are pulling this off!
Also look at how the current desktop APU with a dedicated GPU is holding up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQpfgiQd7WU&feature=related and that APU is $135 if want more performance just add in a HD 6670 price ranged from $80-$100 bam you got 1080p gaming with higher settings and better performance!! imagine what they can pull off in the future and with it being able to co-op with more highend cards and the APUs themselves generate more performance. Hardware like this should be put into more consumer PCs and then you could see a sales boost for more demanding PC games and PC could be pulling off the "CoD numbers".
With the money Valve makes off steam would it hurt to make a commercial I notice Gamefly commercials "making gaming affordable" I think why doesn't Valve advertise steam considering with all their constant sales and games actually being owned and it being a face of PC gaming since steam offers a service better then XBL for FREE it could get even more attention from the online fantatics.
Another thing people seem to be fond of these gimmicks/"innovative"/different control methods, PS Move, Kinect, and Wii motion controls. People don't seem to know that PC also has things like these ------>
THese are just somethings I feel about PC gaming.
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