That doesn't really apply to PC since you don't see Nvidia and AMD going around saying here's $50 million make mean epic high end game only for PC so I can sell more GPUs. Like you see for consoles and their first party exclusives which make most of their exclusives. If a game can't be played on any other platform then it's an exclusive. Controller support is pratically in every multiplat available for the PC and even some PC exclusives of course you're not going to see gamepad support for something like Shogun 2 Total war or ArmA 2, but you can see it for others I can name a lot off the back of my head that have gamepad support. The average PC gamer plays at 1080p anyway. I don't see many PC gamers going woot I have 1600p monitor (those are expensive as hell) and those types are for the mega enthusiast. I don't really see the big deal with drivers sinc it's easy as heck to do and barely consumes a lot of time. Upgrading for PC hardware is required depending on what settings you want. You can still play games with older hardware with reasonable settings but don't be an idiot and think your 9800Gt will do BF3 on ultra with 1080p and maintain a high fps.
When something is exclusive, you CAN'T PORT IT because you have no legal right to.
If you can port it, but just never bothered to because sales don't justify it, to me that's not exclusive.
I always dread upgrading drivers, because sometimes a program will stop working and it can be a PITA.
Likewise hardware upgrades, you never know, sometimes pieces of hardware just don't operate well together.
WoW used to crash for me, because the mobo didn't like the graphics card.
Almost all games on 360 are upscaled to 1080.
When I first bought my 360, I was actually surprised that games could look that good on such cheap, compact hardware.
As a technologist I don't really differentiate between PC and console.
They're all just machines to me.
I prefer to game on consoles because they're "cute" and fun to use.
Don't really care if some of the graphics effects aren't top notch, they still look and run great for me.
And I'm one of the few people who actually LIKES the concept of motion gaming, I'm planning on setting up a place for Kinect in my home.
Okay Gears 2/3, Halo 3/Reach, Alan Wake, Forza series, Crackdown 1/2, Fable 2, the and the truck load of kinect games aren't exclusives because they all can be ported to Windows if microsoft wanted too.
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