A lil marketing for some of it's things wouldn't hurt I don't want commercials like this being a representive of PC gaming http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR-LSkFCgHE to the the uninformed whopeople will go o cool! *See's the price* Too expensive! It could educate the masses on what it has. I hear how people say PC doesn't have a service like XBL and PSN bam Steam ad shows up and telling you about it's offers like constant sales, being free, offering cross chat om game, etc, etc.
Marketing what? To correct people on youtube who are not interested in PC games to begin with?The 'masses' don't need to be 'educated' because the 'masses' are already going to be interested in console gaming; those who want an experience on the PC will actually invest time and interest into it.
The PC doesn't need those services, it's not centralised and never will be - nor does it ever need to be.
All these ideas are extremely ineffective in terms of marketing.
What will get people into PC gaming is the games, simply, and the way hardware is storming forwards and the lack of requirements - as well as web based and cloud games, means that the level of entry is lower.
Otherwise let idiots be idiots, if they're uninformed let them be brogamers on their XBoxes. It's not a loss at all.
People that are uninformed in general not just the internet. My Cousins who have console gamers since the day they were born were shocked to see me playing games on a PC because they thought it wasn't normal since they believed you couldn't use controllers, it has no exclusives outside of WoW and RTS or any of the multiplat games, PC rigs are $2000, no one they know plays on PC, etc. When I was in school I get bashed for being a PC gamer since people where telling me all PC has is WoW and Maplestory, you can't use a controller, you have to upgrade all the time, everyone on their is a hacker etc etc etc.
Believe me there are people out there that still think like this.
When I still was a primary console gamer (PS2+GC gen) and after my hatred for the Wii since it started gathering dust a lot of dust. I started geting into PC gaming in the 8th grade. I notice that in 6th grade when all the consoles and stuff where launched everyone was talking about which one to get and their games. No one even mentioned anything about PC and the upcoming Crysis. When I found out about Crysis in the 8th grade I was thinking "Oh **** I Wanna build a PC now!".I never heard a console gamer mention Crysis to this day till Crysis 2 came out.
I noticed that PC certainly doesn't get much attention I only new people who played on PC for certain things like WoW, Counterstrike, and some F2P games other then that they've never gone heavier. I only this one guy in his 20s who was into PC gaming as his main platform he had a custom built PC and a gaming laptop he pretty much played almost anything that was available on PC on it. He once took me and 10 other kids out to a internet cafe to have our own like Counter strike death match.
I guess we should just let people and allow them to flock naturally when they're informed on their own and the community.
Well ultimately don't use primary examples as the rule, it's a silly way to make a generalisation; even if your past experiences may have been bad.Low and behold when I was at school and uni many people did game on their PC. People have different opinions, don't let that get the better of you if they're wrong.
If that's stopping your enjoyment then there's something wrong encroaching on you.
Low and behold I've been playing PC and console games since an extremely young age, still to this day, and my preferences are with the PC; I've had tons of friends over the years, a diverse variety who game on PCs or consoles, many of which do the same to this day - some rather more than the others. At the end of the day we all enjoyed playing video games, didn't matter what the system was.
There's no such thing as the rule, as there's so many exceptions to it - reality is consoles are more popular and always will be.
These people aren't going to support PC gaming, they're not interested in PC gaming - and if there is something that sparks their interest, indeed they'll come to it.
What has been a big seperator of the PC and consoles in the past is that its a platform that attracts people interested in it, rather than people who grow a casual consumer desire for it; it's not something that can simply be marketed; that's how core PC gaming has always been.
So you've had a rough time, and what I can say is don't let that create any prejudices; because then you'll end up the one making generalisations and acting like an overgrown child (which I imagine the people berating you were)..
It's the same as the children or overgrown children who argue over 'playstation versus xbox' brands etc. in general, or on these boards.
If they enjoy consoles more, and have misconceptions of the PC fine, let them, inform them that they're wrong and carry on. Getting aggravated about it only satisfies what they think is correct.
Anyhoo at the end of the day that's all petty school-yard stuff. Get involved with people who genuinely enjoy PC gaming and you'll be associating with a more positive community.
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