PS Vita Games List Dude you really have done your home work! PS Vita is shaping up to the best gaming device ever made. Not because it will sell a crap load but by its games. I love the greats, PS, PS2, PSP, & PS3, but this baby surpasses all of them in gaming potential. New IPs for the benefit of those who whine about ports out number the old ones. Exclusives: Uncharted: Golden Abyss Little Big Planet Touch Little Deviants Ridge Racer Escape Plan Touch My Katamari Gravity Daze Resistance: Burning Skies Killzone Call of Duty Ragnarok Odyssey Shinobido 2 Ruin Sounds and Shapes Army Corps of Hell Dynasty Warriors Next Sumioni Eyepet 2 Reality Fighters Bioshock Vita Tales of Innocence R Pure Chess New Multi-Plats: Dust 514 Street Fighter X Tekken Blazeblue Extended Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Lord of Apocalypse Dragon's Crown Time Travelers .F1 2011 Mortal Kombat See new games, not ports, make up the PS Vita games line up. Now that is undeniable facts.funboynerd
Yeah, people always look at the Vita lineup and are quick to say that they consists of multiplats/ports.
Butin fact, there are ALOT of Vita exclusive games.
People are also quick to dismiss ports/multiplats, but in truth, people have been buying these multiplats as well (Skyrim, Arkham City, CoD, BF3, Zelda OoT 3DS, Starfox 3DS, Streetfighter IV 3DS anyone?)!
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