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It's not the price of the ps3, it's the lackluster games. Formula one, the only decent game left in february for the PS3, just got a 7.2. While ps3 fans are still waiting for a AAA game, everyone else is enjoying at least one.Codename33why do you care what score a game gets here on GS or any other place for that mater? If you like F1 games then go get it.
[QUOTE="Codename33"]It's not the price of the ps3, it's the lackluster games. Formula one, the only decent game left in february for the PS3, just got a 7.2. While ps3 fans are still waiting for a AAA game, everyone else is enjoying at least one.trasherheadwhy do you care what score a game gets here on GS or any other place for that mater? If you like F1 games then go get it. I was going to say something similar. Does it really matter what score a game gets? It's sorta like the friends/bridge analogy. Just because some random guy that you've never met in person doesn't like a game, you're not going to? Seems rather silly to me.
Seriously need to stop with all the bashing. Whats going on...its only recently since we have been coming closer to the European release of the PS3 that the bashing has gotten out of hand. You hear Americans complaining about the European price like it affects them, and then you here people complaining about the lack of emotion chip in the PS3 when they are lemmings. European pre-orders for PS3 are record breaking, so basically they seem content with what they are purchasing. If you are unhappy with your purchase, fair enough, tell us about your experience with ur PS3 and why you dont like it instead of brining up issues that do not concern you in the least bit.
Here is an example of my favorite arguement scenario:
Hater: PS3 sucks! No emotion chip for the EU release, $999AUD in Australia, about 700US dollars in Europe!!! WTF!?
Supporter: Yeah, but people are still buying it, you are just bashing it cuz you dont like Sony.
Hater: What!? Well, I'm a manticore! I aint no fanboy, infact I have an X360 and PS3 and a Wii!!!
Supporter: Well, If you have a PS3...then why do you care about the changes to the hardware and international prices?
Hater: What eva!! Sony has lost touch with its fans....
The lack of logic is astounding. If every X360 in the world blew up except for mine, I would have no reason to complain and bash the X360 for having shoddy harware, but unfortunetaly, mine has broken twice. I must say though that MS has excellent customer service although I would rather my X360 just didnt break....
What did you expect in a forum called System WARS? Peace and harmony? Or are only Sony fanboys allowed bashing?Final-DarknessNo, I always complain about Sony fanboys bashing Wii and X360 for no apparent reason. What I'm trying to say is that, Bashing is ok, as long as its relevant and has proof. Dont just bash cuz everyone else is doing it. The only thing I ever complain about on the X360 is the DPAD, disk scratching and the faulty hardware because those are the things that have affected me. I never complain about the Wii because i dont have one yet. And for the PS3 I always say that there arent that many games out to play and PSN could use some improvements. I only complain about the things that affect me unlike fanboys who just bash for no apparent reason like "PS3 is hard to program for!!! Its such a crappy console!" like they are gonna program for it....
@TCno, Europeans have every right to be pissed off at sony, but not the American gamers who complain about the Price and the lack of emotion chip. And yes I know they are American or live in America because 1. They claim to already have a PS3 therefore none of the above reasons affect them or 2. they convert all foreign currency to USD like everyone gets payed in USD...
So you don't think anyone can have legitimate gripes with Sony and the PS3? Particularly Europeans.
PS3 is the joke entry...$999AUD uh no thx. Wii > PS3 Nintendo > Sony cpthurmewow you waited 3 and a half years to make that post ? or is that a bug ???
unlike fanboys who just bash for no apparent reason like "PS3 is hard to program for!!! Its such a crappy console!" like they are gonna program for it....Viviath
[QUOTE="cakeorrdeath"]@TCno, Europeans have every right to be pissed off at sony, but not the American gamers who complain about the Price and the lack of emotion chip. And yes I know they are American or live in America because 1. They claim to already have a PS3 therefore none of the above reasons affect them or 2. they convert all foreign currency to USD like everyone gets payed in USD...
So you don't think anyone can have legitimate gripes with Sony and the PS3? Particularly Europeans.
[QUOTE="Viviath"] unlike fanboys who just bash for no apparent reason like "PS3 is hard to program for!!! Its such a crappy console!" like they are gonna program for it....cakeorrdeath
What did you expect in a forum called System WARS? Peace and harmony? Or are only Sony fanboys allowed bashing?Final-DarknessGood meaty discussions about consoles and upcoming games. Not this fanboy crap
PS2 was hard to program for but looks what we got? We got technical achievments like SotC and GoW and the upcoming GoW2Viviath
[QUOTE="cakeorrdeath"][QUOTE="Viviath"] unlike fanboys who just bash for no apparent reason like "PS3 is hard to program for!!! Its such a crappy console!" like they are gonna program for it....Viviath
[QUOTE="Viviath"]PS2 was hard to program for but looks what we got? We got technical achievments like SotC and GoW and the upcoming GoW2cakeorrdeath
People are missing the point which is Sony are rip off merchants plain and simple. They have a sales team that could sell sun light to an African, seriously their products are no better than anyone elses yet they charge hundreds more for them. The PS2 was not as good a system as xbox, yet it cost more, their Tv's are no better that panasonic or phillips yet they're about £300 more and the PS3 is no better than the 360 yet they charge more. Everyone can argue that it's got a blue-ray player so they've got to charge more but it probably cost them £30 to put it in and if it doesn't take off then that extra money you paid was for nothing. privateiron13
People are missing the point which is Sony are rip off merchants plain and simple. They have a sales team that could sell sun light to an African, seriously their products are no better than anyone elses yet they charge hundreds more for them. The PS2 was not as good a system as xbox, yet it cost more, their Tv's are no better that panasonic or phillips yet they're about £300 more and the PS3 is no better than the 360 yet they charge more. Everyone can argue that it's got a blue-ray player so they've got to charge more but it probably cost them £30 to put it in and if it doesn't take off then that extra money you paid was for nothing. privateiron13They estimated to lose 1 billion dollars this year just off the PS3. That debunk your arguement
But the TC isn't from Europe, I am, I had a PS and PS2 and was looking forward to the PS3 for ffxiii, dmc4 and mgs4 amoungst others but I feel we have been trodden and and screwed around by sony one too many times now.nickmagYou have a emulation of the PS2 that can be updated with firmware. Why are you buggin out with the B/C? It's not even know the percentage it going to have. Also you have a PS2. If the game doesn't work on your PS3 plug in your PS2. There will be a list of games that won't work with the PS3. If one of the games you like is on it, I suggest keeping your PS2.
Seriously need to stop with all the bashing. Whats going on...its only recently since we have been coming closer to the European release of the PS3 that the bashing has gotten out of hand. You hear Americans complaining about the European price like it affects them, and then you here people complaining about the lack of emotion chip in the PS3 when they are lemmings. European pre-orders for PS3 are record breaking, so basically they seem content with what they are purchasing. If you are unhappy with your purchase, fair enough, tell us about your experience with ur PS3 and why you dont like it instead of brining up issues that do not concern you in the least bit.
Here is an example of my favorite arguement scenario:
Hater: PS3 sucks! No emotion chip for the EU release, $999AUD in Australia, about 700US dollars in Europe!!! WTF!?
Supporter: Yeah, but people are still buying it, you are just bashing it cuz you dont like Sony.
Hater: What!? Well, I'm a manticore! I aint no fanboy, infact I have an X360 and PS3 and a Wii!!!
Supporter: Well, If you have a PS3...then why do you care about the changes to the hardware and international prices?
Hater: What eva!! Sony has lost touch with its fans....
The lack of logic is astounding. If every X360 in the world blew up except for mine, I would have no reason to complain and bash the X360 for having shoddy harware, but unfortunetaly, mine has broken twice. I must say though that MS has excellent customer service although I would rather my X360 just didnt break....
All I can say is what goes around comes around. Sony fans talked more sh!t than anyone before it's launch, and Sony's "The Next Generation Starts When We Say It Does" comment sure measures up great when 4 months into launch the PS3 has yet to get a MAJOR title, when both of it's competitors already have AAA's. If ps3 gamers were humble before launch, than things might be different, but if they have stuff too say than I think they are getting what the deserve.
And personally, I see absolutly no value at all in analysing console sales. Let's face it, there are people out there buying the PS3 because it has Sony's name on it. Unless you own some Sony stock, why the hell would you care? In the end all that really matters is how much fun you have with your system in your living room, which is hard to do when you are waiting on games that have been released on the 360 months ago.
Sony fans were allways bashig the other consoles, now it's our turn mhwuhahaha.Sensui1986
 I dont hate the PS3. I just have some genuine complaints about Sony and there massively over-hyped console. The problem is with you cows is you dont want to hear any type of negativity towards the PS3 be it from fanboys or posters who have legitmate reasons.If you guys want a forum that blindly loves and praises the PS3 at every turn then you need to stay in the PS3 forums.Â
This is system wars and if you cant take the negativity or the dumb fanboy comments you dont need to be in here, bottom line. 360 was bashed a ton when it came out did not stop you cows from gloating and making fun of it, same thing with the revolution...especially after it got renamed to the Wii (but that was alil bit of everyone).You cows can dish out crap but cant take it and want everyone to feel sorry for you...I dont think so.
[QUOTE="nickmag"]But the TC isn't from Europe, I am, I had a PS and PS2 and was looking forward to the PS3 for ffxiii, dmc4 and mgs4 amoungst others but I feel we have been trodden and and screwed around by sony one too many times now.Socrates88You have a emulation of the PS2 that can be updated with firmware. Why are you buggin out with the B/C? It's not even know the percentage it going to have. Also you have a PS2. If the game doesn't work on your PS3 plug in your PS2. There will be a list of games that won't work with the PS3. If one of the games you like is on it, I suggest keeping your PS2.
[QUOTE="privateiron13"]People are missing the point which is Sony are rip off merchants plain and simple. They have a sales team that could sell sun light to an African, seriously their products are no better than anyone elses yet they charge hundreds more for them. The PS2 was not as good a system as xbox, yet it cost more, their Tv's are no better that panasonic or phillips yet they're about £300 more and the PS3 is no better than the 360 yet they charge more. Everyone can argue that it's got a blue-ray player so they've got to charge more but it probably cost them £30 to put it in and if it doesn't take off then that extra money you paid was for nothing. cakeorrdeath
[QUOTE="trasherhead"][QUOTE="Codename33"]It's not the price of the ps3, it's the lackluster games. Formula one, the only decent game left in february for the PS3, just got a 7.2. While ps3 fans are still waiting for a AAA game, everyone else is enjoying at least one.0rinwhy do you care what score a game gets here on GS or any other place for that mater? If you like F1 games then go get it. I was going to say something similar. Does it really matter what score a game gets? It's sorta like the friends/bridge analogy. Just because some random guy that you've never met in person doesn't like a game, you're not going to? Seems rather silly to me. Well, I don't care about the reviews here at GS. And IGN for that matter. They can't review the games with ONE reviewer. It's wrong because it is an opinion from just one person. They should have at least 3 people review the game, then they discuss it. It's just a better way.
[QUOTE="cakeorrdeath"][QUOTE="privateiron13"]People are missing the point which is Sony are rip off merchants plain and simple. They have a sales team that could sell sun light to an African, seriously their products are no better than anyone elses yet they charge hundreds more for them. The PS2 was not as good a system as xbox, yet it cost more, their Tv's are no better that panasonic or phillips yet they're about £300 more and the PS3 is no better than the 360 yet they charge more. Everyone can argue that it's got a blue-ray player so they've got to charge more but it probably cost them £30 to put it in and if it doesn't take off then that extra money you paid was for nothing. privateiron13
the things sony has done with htis machine is outrages..the only people who want a ps3 are those who still buy into sony's beleif and on the strenght of the ps1 and ps2!daveg1Not necessarily. I'm getting one, but not for either of those reasons. I'm getting one for the exclusives and blu-ray player. I know that the 360 is getting the bigger and better game lineup this generation, but the PS3 will eventually have enough good games for me to get one...
it wouldn't make sense in loosing $200 on each PS3. privateiron13
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