shooter: Killzone 2, Resistance 1 and 2, Uncharted 1 and 2 own halo 3 and gears Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Gears of War, Gears of War 2, and a non-broken Half-Life 2 contained in the superior Orange Box, as well as TF2. If that's not enough, Battlefield 1943 is an excellent old-school multiplayer shooterfor only $10. There's also Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 if you want me to keep going. Either way, it's all objective.
platformer: PS3 has Little Big Planet, does 360 even have any platformers? There are quite literally hundreds of them on the Xbox Arcade, like Braid, N+, etc.
racing: 360 may have Forza 3, but PS3 has GT5 coming up, which everyone knows is gonna own Forza Oh, so now you know how everything will turn out? Do you want to argue what will happen in the future, which you have no evidence to back you up, or the present? Right now, 360 has Forza 2 and 3 and PGR 3 and 4. PS3 has a demo of GT5.
Adventure: PS3 has Infamous, what does 360 have? I don't think it even has any adventure games. inFamous? That's not an adventure game, that's action adventure! Adventure is like Myst and Tales of Monkey Island. Speaking of Tales of Monkey Island, 360 has it on the Arcade.
fighting: neither console has any exclusive fighting games 360 does have some exclusive remakes, like SSFIITHD (Street Fighter2 remake) and Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
RPG: PS3 has Demon's Souls, the best RPG this gen, and 360 has Mass Effect. I think it's clear who wins. So now you are the one who decides which is the best of the gen? I don't think so. Also, if you want to argue QUANTITY, hows about Lost Odyssey, The Last Remnant, Blue Dragon, and a few others.
I know there's gonna be some people going on about opinions and crap, but this isn't opinions, this is facts. You're so full of it it's not even funny anymore. Facts? FACTS? Are you ****ing kidding me? Did you EVER go to school in your life? You know that opinion versus fact is required 1st Grade curriculum? Also, I know there's more genres than that, but those are the main genres. How about RTS? That's a big one. PS3 doesn't have any. 360 has Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth 2 andHalo Wars, both are quality, working RTSs.
Overall, TC has failed at System Wars.
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