[QUOTE="horrowhip"][QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"] Take a look at this
IBM LINK: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/irt
in the 2nd video they use 3 PS3's BUT: (note the youtube videos and side information are from the ppl at alpha works)
"The iRT is totally scalable and only requires one Cell SPE to run. More PS3s = More SPEs = Higher client frame rates."
SO PS3 can do realtime raytracing, and the KIllzone 2 dev was not lying
that ray-tracing client is an absolute low end BS hype thing....It is like 2 million rays and only does primary rays...
I think a dual core could run that better almost as good as the triple PS3 setup did...
It CANNOT do real-time ray tracing in any applicable situations. This is just BS hype and marketing. And you bought it...
As for the Killzone 2 dev... Considering Guerrilla did an entire GDC presentation on their lighting model(which it somewhere online.. read basically the complete outline of it)and never once mentioned ray tracing, I would say he was just mistake and merely said the wrong thing...
Guerrilla's lighting model may be good, but you would have to be absolutely ****ing crazy to believe it is ray-tracing.
lol wow u must know something IBM doesnt :roll: seriously ur a joke
Honest to GOD, there will NEVER be a ray tracing engine for a GAME on the PS3.
That ray tracing thing they showed was PATHETICALLY low quality.
only has primary rays and is fairly low poly. Also, low resolution, and low amount of rays...
I am a freaking Computer Science major. Believe me, that is nothing more than BS hype that you are buying into...
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