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All I really see for 360 honestly is Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Bioshock.gogeta242Than you must have forgotten about... - Too Human - Project Gotham Racing 4 - Call Of Duty 4 (with the best online for any console and achievements) - Grand Theft Auto IV (with exclusive episodic content and achievements) - Katamari (don't care about this game but it's rumored to be 360 exclusive) - Splinter Cell: Conviction - Devil May Cry 4 and Assassins Creed now coming to 360 (only versions of games with achievements)
Anyone can do what u did. With 360 we got Halo 3, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, Huxley, Bioshock, Tom Clancy End War, The best console online service, etc and all i see for PS3 is MGS 4, Uncharted and Ratchet.
Anyway MGS 4 isnt confirmed 07 and knowing kojima this game can easily be delayed. Theothers have been delayed before. Ninja Gaiden is a remake. Folklore i have nothing to say about. Ratchet and Socom are proven series. Haze and Lair are made by proven series. but Lair is still a dragon flight game. and those tend to have bad gameplay, plus the game is relatively short with no multiplayer. Haze looks good, but Unreal 3, Halo 3, and Crysis will overshadow this shooter. Uncharted is made by a great dev in Naughty Dog, and i love how this game looks. so no complaints there. other than that, i dont see anythign on that list that truly is unstoppable.
Anyone can do what u did. With 360 we got Halo 3, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, Huxley, Bioshock, Tom Clancy End War, The best console online service, etc and all i see for PS3 is MGS 4, Uncharted and Ratchet.
Anyway MGS 4 isnt confirmed 07 and knowing kojima this game can easily be delayed. Theothers have been delayed before. Ninja Gaiden is a remake. Folklore i have nothing to say about. Ratchet and Socom are proven series. Haze and Lair are made by proven series. but Lair is still a dragon flight game. and those tend to have bad gameplay, plus the game is relatively short with no multiplayer. Haze looks good, but Unreal 3, Halo 3, and Crysis will overshadow this shooter. Uncharted is made by a great dev in Naughty Dog, and i love how this game looks. so no complaints there. other than that, i dont see anythign on that list that truly is unstoppable.jg4xchamp
360 fans aren't too big on RPGs, so you might as well take those RPGs from your list as they may flop in sales. Also a lot of those other games you mentioned are on PC as well. So much for 360's exclusive lineup. Also MGS4 is CONFIRMED for '07, the BRAND NEW TRAILER said it is.
All these games will be on360 before the end of the year and not PS3
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Ace Combat 6
Mass Effect
Halo 3
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Too Human
Kingdom under Fire
Eternal Sonata
Flatout Ultimate Carnage
Two Worlds
World in Conflict
plus more games just on 360. Plus all the multiplats like GTA with 360 exclusive content.
[QUOTE="gogeta242"]All I really see for 360 honestly is Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Bioshock.-MlKE-Than you must have forgotten about... - Too Human - Project Gotham Racing 4 - Call Of Duty 4 (with the best online for any console and achievements) - Grand Theft Auto IV (with exclusive episodic content and achievements) - Katamari (don't care about this game but it's rumored to be 360 exclusive) - Splinter Cell: Conviction - Devil May Cry 4 and Assassins Creed now coming to 360 (only versions of games with achievements)
Too Human,PGR4, are 2008 games. The rest are multiplats. How is this going to stop PS3's momentum.:?
[QUOTE="gogeta242"]All I really see for 360 honestly is Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Bioshock.-MlKE-Than you must have forgotten about...
- Too Human
- Project Gotham Racing 4
- Splinter Cell: Conviction
just to help you, i took out the games i can play on the ps3. don't even brag about "teh better version", you'll know it when the game is out. and by the way, i don't think Too Human will be that great, those devs just can't deliver the game! how many years have passed since they started working on that project? it could be great, but i don't think it's a guaranteed high AA or AAA.
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Anyone can do what u did. With 360 we got Halo 3, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, Huxley, Bioshock, Tom Clancy End War, The best console online service, etc and all i see for PS3 is MGS 4, Uncharted and Ratchet.
Anyway MGS 4 isnt confirmed 07 and knowing kojima this game can easily be delayed. Theothers have been delayed before. Ninja Gaiden is a remake. Folklore i have nothing to say about. Ratchet and Socom are proven series. Haze and Lair are made by proven series. but Lair is still a dragon flight game. and those tend to have bad gameplay, plus the game is relatively short with no multiplayer. Haze looks good, but Unreal 3, Halo 3, and Crysis will overshadow this shooter. Uncharted is made by a great dev in Naughty Dog, and i love how this game looks. so no complaints there. other than that, i dont see anythign on that list that truly is unstoppable.gogeta242
360 fans aren't too big on RPGs, so you might as well take those RPGs from your list as they may flop in sales. Also a lot of those other games you mentioned are on PC as well. So much for 360's exclusive lineup. Also MGS4 is CONFIRMED for '07, the BRAND NEW TRAILER said it is.
Wait wait you just said games on pc and one console are console exclusives and not multiplat in another thread?
[QUOTE="DoctorBunny"]Kane and Lynch was already multiplat
Kane and Lynch was console exclusive,
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Anyone can do what u did. With 360 we got Halo 3, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, Huxley, Bioshock, Tom Clancy End War, The best console online service, etc and all i see for PS3 is MGS 4, Uncharted and Ratchet.
Anyway MGS 4 isnt confirmed 07 and knowing kojima this game can easily be delayed. Theothers have been delayed before. Ninja Gaiden is a remake. Folklore i have nothing to say about. Ratchet and Socom are proven series. Haze and Lair are made by proven series. but Lair is still a dragon flight game. and those tend to have bad gameplay, plus the game is relatively short with no multiplayer. Haze looks good, but Unreal 3, Halo 3, and Crysis will overshadow this shooter. Uncharted is made by a great dev in Naughty Dog, and i love how this game looks. so no complaints there. other than that, i dont see anythign on that list that truly is unstoppable.gogeta242
360 fans aren't too big on RPGs, so you might as well take those RPGs from your list as they may flop in sales. Also a lot of those other games you mentioned are on PC as well. So much for 360's exclusive lineup. Also MGS4 is CONFIRMED for '07, the BRAND NEW TRAILER said it is.
1- sales dont equal quality[QUOTE="gogeta242"]All I really see for 360 honestly is Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Bioshock.-MlKE-Than you must have forgotten about... - Too Human - Project Gotham Racing 4 - Call Of Duty 4 (with the best online for any console and achievements) - Grand Theft Auto IV (with exclusive episodic content and achievements) - Katamari (don't care about this game but it's rumored to be 360 exclusive) - Splinter Cell: Conviction - Devil May Cry 4 and Assassins Creed now coming to 360 (only versions of games with achievements)
home comes in october.. id rather have me a trophy then an a chievevment...
Than you must have forgotten about...[QUOTE="-MlKE-"][QUOTE="gogeta242"]All I really see for 360 honestly is Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Bioshock.SambaLele
- Too Human
- Project Gotham Racing 4
just to help you, i took out the games i can play on the ps3. don't even brag about "teh better version", you'll know it when the game is out. and by the way, i don't think Too Human will be that great, those devs just can't deliver the game! how many years have passed since they started working on that project? it could be great, but i don't think it's a guaranteed high AA or AAA.
i took out the ones that are also on pc. is this all 360 has to offer?
It really does, but not 'easily' the other consoles have good line-ups as well. But yeah most of the games I want this year are on the PS3.DementedDragon
yeah me too, and i think this is sony's chance to approach 360's sales numbers... maybe even surpass them. who would think sony would struggle to do that?
The only PS3 games that interest me is rachet and drake.demon565
Now if they have a cameo game. that would make the perfect name for it...
[QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Anyone can do what u did. With 360 we got Halo 3, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, Huxley, Bioshock, Tom Clancy End War, The best console online service, etc and all i see for PS3 is MGS 4, Uncharted and Ratchet.
Anyway MGS 4 isnt confirmed 07 and knowing kojima this game can easily be delayed. Theothers have been delayed before. Ninja Gaiden is a remake. Folklore i have nothing to say about. Ratchet and Socom are proven series. Haze and Lair are made by proven series. but Lair is still a dragon flight game. and those tend to have bad gameplay, plus the game is relatively short with no multiplayer. Haze looks good, but Unreal 3, Halo 3, and Crysis will overshadow this shooter. Uncharted is made by a great dev in Naughty Dog, and i love how this game looks. so no complaints there. other than that, i dont see anythign on that list that truly is unstoppable.jg4xchamp
360 fans aren't too big on RPGs, so you might as well take those RPGs from your list as they may flop in sales. Also a lot of those other games you mentioned are on PC as well. So much for 360's exclusive lineup. Also MGS4 is CONFIRMED for '07, the BRAND NEW TRAILER said it is.
1- sales dont equal qualityWhy're bring up online, the Wii is selling fine and it has no online, at least PS3 has the meat and potatoes there. Also Oblivion is on PS3, why're bringing it up:?
[QUOTE="BeanTownBrown86"]maybe, but the best?...i dont think sogogeta242
What games says different besides Halo, Mass, and Bio
by excluding 3 games you have proven his point. The combination of Halo 3, Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock, Huxley, End War, SPlinter Cell V conviction, and all the multiplats on the much cheaper system. plus the better online service, plus the better current library right now. Gears, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Kameo, DOA 4, PDZ, Oblivion, Forza 2, Saints Row, and alot more will allready be there and by that time alot cheaper. Yeah the 360 library will still be great.[QUOTE="SambaLele"]Than you must have forgotten about...[QUOTE="-MlKE-"][QUOTE="gogeta242"]All I really see for 360 honestly is Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Bioshock.-Renegade
- Too Human
- Project Gotham Racing 4
just to help you, i took out the games i can play on the ps3. don't even brag about "teh better version", you'll know it when the game is out. and by the way, i don't think Too Human will be that great, those devs just can't deliver the game! how many years have passed since they started working on that project? it could be great, but i don't think it's a guaranteed high AA or AAA.
i took out the ones that are also on pc. is this all 360 has to offer?
and the other ppl's lists have a lot of games slated for 2008.. aren't we talking about 2007? if not, we can extend the PS3 exclusives list a lot more!
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Anyone can do what u did. With 360 we got Halo 3, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, Huxley, Bioshock, Tom Clancy End War, The best console online service, etc and all i see for PS3 is MGS 4, Uncharted and Ratchet.
Anyway MGS 4 isnt confirmed 07 and knowing kojima this game can easily be delayed. Theothers have been delayed before. Ninja Gaiden is a remake. Folklore i have nothing to say about. Ratchet and Socom are proven series. Haze and Lair are made by proven series. but Lair is still a dragon flight game. and those tend to have bad gameplay, plus the game is relatively short with no multiplayer. Haze looks good, but Unreal 3, Halo 3, and Crysis will overshadow this shooter. Uncharted is made by a great dev in Naughty Dog, and i love how this game looks. so no complaints there. other than that, i dont see anythign on that list that truly is unstoppable.gogeta242
360 fans aren't too big on RPGs, so you might as well take those RPGs from your list as they may flop in sales. Also a lot of those other games you mentioned are on PC as well. So much for 360's exclusive lineup. Also MGS4 is CONFIRMED for '07, the BRAND NEW TRAILER said it is.
1- sales dont equal qualityWhy're bring up online, the Wii is selling fine and it has no online, at least PS3 has the meat and potatoes there. Also Oblivion is on PS3, why're bringing it up:?
because u said RPGS dont sell on 360. oblivion sold on 360. your point was proven wrong.the topic is 2007 lineup... can't lemmings stick to it? why are they all bringing 2008 games and previous games like gears? the topic says " PS3 easily has the best lineup this year!!"
if you can't a number of strong 2007 titles to compete against PS3's titles, than the TC is totally right...
[QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="BeanTownBrown86"]maybe, but the best?...i dont think sojg4xchamp
What games says different besides Halo, Mass, and Bio
by excluding 3 games you have proven his point. The combination of Halo 3, Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock, Huxley, End War, SPlinter Cell V conviction, and all the multiplats on the much cheaper system. plus the better online service, plus the better current library right now. Gears, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Kameo, DOA 4, PDZ, Oblivion, Forza 2, Saints Row, and alot more will allready be there and by that time alot cheaper. Yeah the 360 library will still be great. thank you sir for allowing me to keep my energy and not have to make a come back[QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Anyone can do what u did. With 360 we got Halo 3, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, Huxley, Bioshock, Tom Clancy End War, The best console online service, etc and all i see for PS3 is MGS 4, Uncharted and Ratchet.
Anyway MGS 4 isnt confirmed 07 and knowing kojima this game can easily be delayed. Theothers have been delayed before. Ninja Gaiden is a remake. Folklore i have nothing to say about. Ratchet and Socom are proven series. Haze and Lair are made by proven series. but Lair is still a dragon flight game. and those tend to have bad gameplay, plus the game is relatively short with no multiplayer. Haze looks good, but Unreal 3, Halo 3, and Crysis will overshadow this shooter. Uncharted is made by a great dev in Naughty Dog, and i love how this game looks. so no complaints there. other than that, i dont see anythign on that list that truly is unstoppable.jg4xchamp
360 fans aren't too big on RPGs, so you might as well take those RPGs from your list as they may flop in sales. Also a lot of those other games you mentioned are on PC as well. So much for 360's exclusive lineup. Also MGS4 is CONFIRMED for '07, the BRAND NEW TRAILER said it is.
1- sales dont equal qualityWhy're bring up online, the Wii is selling fine and it has no online, at least PS3 has the meat and potatoes there. Also Oblivion is on PS3, why're bringing it up:?
because u said RPGS dont sell on 360. oblivion sold on 360. your point was proven wrong.JRPGs?
the topic is 2007 lineup... can't lemmings stick to it? why are they all bringing 2008 games and previous games like gears? the topic says " PS3 easily has the best lineup this year!!"
if you can't a number of strong 2007 titles to compete against PS3's titles, than the TC is totally right...
thank you:), I'm happy to see someone understands my point.
I would love to introduce you to Lost Odyssey, Splinter Cell Conviction, Ace Combat 6, and a WHOLE mess of other games.
Splinter Cell:lol:, yeah cause we know that games made everyone run out to buy a 360. Ace Combat:?, if this games wasn't exclusive to 360, I don't think you would care two biscuits about it. Lost Odyssey is a JRPG, and we know 360 fans are really big on JRPGs;)
cause the TC is bending his own rules. he excludes games like Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Halo 3 to try to lower the value of the overall library. When we mention TOo Human, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Huxley, SPlinter Cell 5, Eternal SOnata, etc he will make excuses like 360 fans dont like rpgs so they wont sell well so it doesnt matter of all those games got AAA or not because they are pointless. He failed in a debate over quality games in the future. and so he went to sales. and when it comes to sales the price advantage, the better online, the better current library, the mulitplats with the price advantage, the exclusives, the PC games that are only on 360, and then Halo 3 are more than enough reasons that 360 can still outsell it. And what does he come up with more excuses.the topic is 2007 lineup... can't lemmings stick to it? why are they all bringing 2008 games and previous games like gears? the topic says " PS3 easily has the best lineup this year!!"
if you can't a number of strong 2007 titles to compete against PS3's titles, than the TC is totally right...
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="BeanTownBrown86"]maybe, but the best?...i dont think soBeanTownBrown86
What games says different besides Halo, Mass, and Bio
by excluding 3 games you have proven his point. The combination of Halo 3, Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock, Huxley, End War, SPlinter Cell V conviction, and all the multiplats on the much cheaper system. plus the better online service, plus the better current library right now. Gears, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Kameo, DOA 4, PDZ, Oblivion, Forza 2, Saints Row, and alot more will allready be there and by that time alot cheaper. Yeah the 360 library will still be great. thank you sir for allowing me to keep my energy and not have to make a come back ur welcome.[QUOTE="black_awpN1"]I would love to introduce you to Lost Odyssey, Splinter Cell Conviction, Ace Combat 6, and a WHOLE mess of other games.
Splinter Cell:lol:, yeah cause we know that games made everyone run out to buy a 360. Ace Combat:?, if this games wasn't exclusive to 360, I don't think you would care two biscuits about it. Lost Odyssey is a JRPG, and we know 360 fans are really big on JRPGs;)
Next your going to tell me that Killzone 2 is going to play and look as good as the E3 2005 trailer. :roll:
UHHH Halo3, HalfLife 2 Orange Box, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Forza2> every PS3 2007 title. Don't get it twisted.JiveT
Half Life 2 is on PS3 as well:|, I don't see Forza pushing 360 past that 10 million mark, do you? Also Bioshock is on PC, so the only credible game on that list worth hyping is Mass Effect. Your list still doesn't compare to the PS3 one. I'm not biased at all, I own a PS3 and 360. PS3 just easily has the better line up IMO.
[QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]I would love to introduce you to Lost Odyssey, Splinter Cell Conviction, Ace Combat 6, and a WHOLE mess of other games.
Splinter Cell:lol:, yeah cause we know that games made everyone run out to buy a 360. Ace Combat:?, if this games wasn't exclusive to 360, I don't think you would care two biscuits about it. Lost Odyssey is a JRPG, and we know 360 fans are really big on JRPGs;)
Next your going to tell me that Killzone 2 is going to play and look as good as the E3 2005 trailer. :roll:
I don't have a crystal ball, but time will tell. ;)
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Anyone can do what u did. With 360 we got Halo 3, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, Huxley, Bioshock, Tom Clancy End War, The best console online service, etc and all i see for PS3 is MGS 4, Uncharted and Ratchet.
Anyway MGS 4 isnt confirmed 07 and knowing kojima this game can easily be delayed. Theothers have been delayed before. Ninja Gaiden is a remake. Folklore i have nothing to say about. Ratchet and Socom are proven series. Haze and Lair are made by proven series. but Lair is still a dragon flight game. and those tend to have bad gameplay, plus the game is relatively short with no multiplayer. Haze looks good, but Unreal 3, Halo 3, and Crysis will overshadow this shooter. Uncharted is made by a great dev in Naughty Dog, and i love how this game looks. so no complaints there. other than that, i dont see anythign on that list that truly is unstoppable.gogeta242
360 fans aren't too big on RPGs, so you might as well take those RPGs from your list as they may flop in sales. Also a lot of those other games you mentioned are on PC as well. So much for 360's exclusive lineup. Also MGS4 is CONFIRMED for '07, the BRAND NEW TRAILER said it is.
1- sales dont equal qualityWhy're bring up online, the Wii is selling fine and it has no online, at least PS3 has the meat and potatoes there. Also Oblivion is on PS3, why're bringing it up:?
because u said RPGS dont sell on 360. oblivion sold on 360. your point was proven wrong.JRPGs?
and what great jrp is on 360 or xbox to prove that point.....oh thats right there isnt any. How about the fact that lemmings atleast hype these games. and u cant negate the fact that the games are still there. it doesnt negate the quality of those games. I mean surely u arent jedigemini where alll u care about is sales. and even if u do, none of the games u mentioned will out sell Halo 3. Not 1. and yes Halo 3 will push more consoles.[QUOTE="black_awpN1"][QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]I would love to introduce you to Lost Odyssey, Splinter Cell Conviction, Ace Combat 6, and a WHOLE mess of other games.
Splinter Cell:lol:, yeah cause we know that games made everyone run out to buy a 360. Ace Combat:?, if this games wasn't exclusive to 360, I don't think you would care two biscuits about it. Lost Odyssey is a JRPG, and we know 360 fans are really big on JRPGs;)
Next your going to tell me that Killzone 2 is going to play and look as good as the E3 2005 trailer. :roll:
I don't have a crystal ball, but time will tell. ;)
sorry to hear that, i bought my crystal ball off ebay, any questions feel free to ask[QUOTE="JiveT"]UHHH Halo3, HalfLife 2 Orange Box, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Forza2> every PS3 2007 title. Don't get it twisted.SambaLele
and you know it because you not only have a PS3, but you also got to play all those 2007 unreleased titles for the PS3...
You were just talking about how the TC was right, so I guess you've played all the games? Hypocrite FTL.
[QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"][QUOTE="gogeta242"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]I would love to introduce you to Lost Odyssey, Splinter Cell Conviction, Ace Combat 6, and a WHOLE mess of other games.
Splinter Cell:lol:, yeah cause we know that games made everyone run out to buy a 360. Ace Combat:?, if this games wasn't exclusive to 360, I don't think you would care two biscuits about it. Lost Odyssey is a JRPG, and we know 360 fans are really big on JRPGs;)
Next your going to tell me that Killzone 2 is going to play and look as good as the E3 2005 trailer. :roll:
I don't have a crystal ball, but time will tell. ;)
sorry to hear that, i bought my crystal ball off ebay, any questions feel free to askoh, I have a question. Could god heat up a burrito SO HOT, even he could not eat it?
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