I suppose some consumers when they buy a PS3, rather than the more inexpensive 360, feel their purchase is more justified if they buy more exclusive games.Danm_999
Well that isn't always the case, for people that live in the twenty first centry an don't run drop cords through their house to run the ethernet cable to there systems and are not dumb enough to believe the seperation bs of the 360 then they would know it can go either way. 360 199.00 ok that is bs off the start you need a hard drive my friend had a memory card an tried to save two profiles an two Forza games it was a no go. Also rather then run a drop cord he like the rest of us where I live with high speed cable internet prefers wireless over the wired cord solution. An for the people that say oh but you get a better connection when you do wired FYI I've never lagged on wireless. Then you've got live thats 50 bucks right there. so cheaper hardly maybe if you don't need a few things but I'm telling you what the deal is for me an the people I know. Also I played Halo 1-3 an gears 1-2 an I'm just not as impressed as everyone else if you stare at the screen an say look at the pretty then sure I can understand you fasination but then again that is just about every game nowadays. Either that or you just enjoy shooters which means you just might have gotten the right system or atleast thats how it used to be. Another thing people like to just forget about multi plats like they arn't there. I played COD4 no problems looked great Assassins Creed, Fallout 3 dispite the bs misleading review I've had no issues an since found out all the version had issues, personally I've had none. Then there is LBP which even for me who doesn't typically like platformers, I have to say its quite the keeper. MGS4 no need to go there for the shooter fans Resistance an a little something called Deadspace which was great btw. Also for those of stratagic mind Valkyria Chronicles and Disgaea 3. Not to mention more exclusives I could have gone into an more multiplats I could have as well. Oh an lets not for get the up an coming titles like Heavy Rain, those that played the game indigo prophecy know what I'm talking about. Either way it comes down to game prefrence for me the obvious choice is PS3 an pc.
360 199.00
wireless adapter 80-90
Xbox Live Gold 50-40 something if you count the new price
An don't bs yourself the hard drive 99.00
PS3 400.00
Now based off what I need an want I would be stupid to get a 360 understand some people's logical choice. Keep in mind once again this is based off of what I would need, it doesn't mean you would to I'm just saying.
Oh an one more thing I saw someone mentioned above multiplatforms sell better on the 360. It seems you haven't heard the latest as it seems quite a few fiscal year figures are showing better sales on the PS3.
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