[QUOTE="organic_machine"]I can never understand why some forum dwellers say Uncharted has "terrible" gunplay The kickback is good, aimimg is smooth, cover system is even smoother etc What makes it so terrible? No body can ever specifically say why. Just that "its not good cuz i dont like it and i say so" So its like you know they trolling or hating Unchated has always had strong gun play (Gears of War has terrible gun play. Wonky, unresponsive etc) Plus the vertacality of the levels in Uncharted, which the stunning level design encourgares, really adds another dimenension to the gun play in Uncharted. Makes it a lot more fun. The options you have in how you can encounter enemies in some levels in Uncharted really adds a lot too i.e stealth or go rambo, take the high ground or stay on the ground and out manuver the enemies etc Its for those reasons why Uncharted has the best gameplay of any TPS out there. Its really fun bottom line. Some of the best gun battles, and most epic levels on consoles are in levels through out Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 etc The Uncharted games are brilliant for what they are - a pulp action like movie in spirit that has great gameplay, memorable characters, and very well told stories! There is nothing like playing an Uncharted game. It is such a blast to play and to experience! Uncharted 2 is one of the greatest games of all time and Uncharted 3 is a top 5 master piece of this gen To any one out there, If you call yourself a gamer, you owe it to yourself to play the magnificant Uncharted series, and if that means you have to buy a PS3, then go buy one now! You wont regret it Plus The Last of Us is coming, which appears to be the Reaident Evil 4 of this gen! (Naughty Dog is the proven best developer in the game) Then there is also the Infamous series which is a great series too! Definently worth playing Ratchet a Crank In Time is one of the best games of this gen too There's even more....there is God of War, Heavy Rain, MGS4, Little Big Planet series, StarHawk, Twiated Metal, All Stars..... And many many more im forgetting etc The PS3 has so many great games of evey genre for EVERYONE Sony and their stellar first parties deliver! They have everything for everyone. Thats an awesome thing. IT sure as hell beats only having Gears/Halo/Forza lol If you dont like Gears and Halo then you are pretty much screwed with the 360 because thats ALL the 360 has Meanwhile the PS3 has the best games of most geners for everyone to enjoy (Uncharted series, MGS4, Little Big planet series etc) Many of my favorite games of this gen have been PS3 exclusives. PS3 exclusives are some of the best games of this gen And if it werent for PS3 eclusives i wouldnt even be into gaming right now. The playstation, playstation exclusives, Naughty Dog and Sony etc have kept me a gamer and into gaming uncharteds gunplay sucks. aiming is clunky as hell. if we are talking about tps...gears and even tomb raider has ideal aiming. even mass effect 3 has better aiming than unchartedI don't know about being a fanboy (in fact, people have called me a lemming before, lol), but I've played a few:
- I played the Killzone 2 demo and thought that, beyond graphics, it was pretty boring.
- I enjoyed Uncharted 1 and 2 (although 1's gunplay was terrible)
- I very much enjoyed MGS 4 (although the game aged pretty poorly for me)
- Heavy Rain was good the first playthrough
And I think that's about it.
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