[QUOTE="epicgameplayer"]Gears of War was a blatant coptly cat of Killswitch! Killswitch is the game that inspired all third person shooters, Gears of War was NOT the first cover shooter! It was simply the first to copy cover shooting and get famous for it (Despicable how Microsoft marketed Gears as being the first cover shooter out there, when in reality it was a copy cat of Killswitch) Also, gun play is the SOLE focus of Gears of War(very repetitive game) While strong gunplay is just one aspect of Uncharted etc Uncharted is so much more of a memorable gaming experience! Naughty Dog took presentation to new heights with Uncharted, while still giving the player as much control as possible. In a Gears of War game you WATCH a cut scene. In an Uncharted game you PLAY the cut scene! In Uncharted games you are also traversing big, beautiful, luscious,and often times atmospheric environments. You are engaging in brutal hand to hand combat, and fun shoot outs. At times are doing a mixture of it all etc Even solving puzzles along the way! (Here is the thing, it all makes sense with the kind of game Uncharted is too. It makes sense with the premise of the game, and its all flows smoothly! Nothing is out of place) Uncharted games have some of the smoothest, most diverse, and fun gameplay segments of any game ive played. Add the playable cinematic factors, and it kicks it all up to a tier that no other games can reach. By comparison, Gears of War is very static, repetitive, and boring in the gameplay department compared to Uncharted (and even compared to Uncharted clone Tomb Raider) Plus Gears tries way to hard to have the good stories that an Uncharted game has, and so Gears fails even more miserably in its futile attempts! Uncharted really does CRUSH Gears of War in every aspect of gaming. Uncharted contains the vastly superior gameplay and story experience. Uncharted is just the vastly superior game PERIOD! If you are a hungry gamer, Gears of War is like a cheap big mac, while Uncharted is like a 5 star sirloin steak. No comparison lollundy86_4
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