[QUOTE="hamidious"] The PS3 French launch was appearantly = total floppage. The funny thing is Microsoft seemed to enjoy it.
Check the story here http://www.n4g.com/News-31467.aspx
It seems M$ people handed worn out PS3 fans chairs with a link to this site :-
so funny, it looks like Next-Gen war = No holds barred.
were does it says it was a flop?"At French events, one store sold 50 consoles out of 1000, and another store sold 300 out of 1000. At the massive under-attended event at the Eiffel Tower, where they were told to expect 3000 people, roughly 40 people turned out"
"Three months ago, the place was packed at 10PM for the wii launch. This time, the place is desperatly empty. As the time went by, the situation became critical for Sony."
"Not far from there, at the Champs-Elysées FNAC, opened for the occasion like a dozen other stores of the group in France, the shelves are still full. Here, of the 1000 consoles they had, hardly 300 were sold."
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