Your missing the point 38.1 is also shipped. Sony doesn't keep tracked of actual units sold in their financials. The article is using the wrong verbage as they mean shipped and not sold. Sony doesn't track what actually gets sold by the retailer. The big 3 when they post their financials always post what has shipped as thatbecomes a sale to them when a retailer buys stock.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Sony started reporting ONLY the number of console SOLD TO RETAILERS last year. This is literally the closest possible number you can get because nobody on earth has any precise way of knowing exactly how many consoles are sold directly to customers. So sold to retailers is literally the best you can do because units are shipped to retailers regularly and are a good indicators of sales because retailers will NOT order tons of consoles if they didn't have the shelf space for them or didn't think they would sell.
Why am I wrong as that is exactly what I'm saying. I was trying to refute another poster who said we were comparing apples vs. oranges. Both MS and Sony are reporting numbers shipped(sold to retailers) thus apples vs. apples.
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