Wow March has only just started but PS3 has already started getting awesome news, I guess Sony fans were right when they said that PS3 will flex its muscles this month. Guess what its only going to get better and better from here on.
Sony have settled with Emmerion which means in the coming months Sony will include rumble in the PS3 controller which is awesome news for those who wanted it back, I particularly don't care for rumble but I'm glad that Sony are listening to their fans. trust me it will end up in the PS3 pad, Hideo Kojima has said it many times to Kutaragi that he wants rumble back :D
Sony GDC anouncement leaked, New feature will be PS Home and Mii's which is fatastic for PS3 gamers. This proves that Sony is commited to deliver a fantastic online experience which is both social and interactive.
Sony shipped an extra 2 million consoles meaning they will definitly reach their goal of having 6 million shipped by end of March. Considering the European launch is coming up plus the fact that there will be tons of fantastic games coming, Sony would have Sold the 6 million units by April-May if not earlier. By June Sony would have sold half of what 360 has sold meaning that by the end of the year the sales difference of PS3 and 360 will be minimal.
other fantastic news. new awesome R&C images, new info on FF versus 13, new maps for RFOM and amazing new video for warhawk.
It has begun, Sony dominance is imminent but Wii will do just as good considering how great it is but 360 is a whole different story.
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