Let me put things into perspective for the lemmings and sheep...
Muhammad Ali was the greatest, as in PSX and PS2. But we all know that he hit some bumps in the road. By this I mean refusing to be inducted into the armed services, stripped of his championship title, and losing the 'fight of the century' against Joe Frazier.
PS3 is currently losing it's ground. But considering it launched a year after X360 and went up against a much cheaper console, it's not doing that bad. Plus, with very limited Playstation franchises and exclusives, not bad at all. But Sony can't dance with the competition at the current pace forever...much like Ali knowing he couldn't dance with Foreman through the whole fight to put him back on the spot.
Ali invented 'The Rope-A-Dope' strategy that allowed Foreman to pound on him until Foreman tired. In the eight round, Ali came off the ropes and scored a shocking knockout! Ali was the king again. Sony has many tricks up it's sleeve. By this I mean powerhouse titles that simply can't be ignored by the gaming community. It's not a matter of if, but when, Sony will deliver the TKO. This gen is only 2 years underway, with possibly over 100 million gamer still on the fence.
Ali as you know had the biggest mouth of them all. If Ali were a video game console, he'd definately claim 1080p @ 120fps, dual hdmi and 4d graphics. But what mattered in the end? He delivered. Simple as that.
All hail the greatest console of this gen...
and all hail the greatest of all time!
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