Why "DO NOT" blame this on EA?
Infinity Ward is a shining example of why you can get anything to run well on PS3. Bethesda did it too, so did whoever produced DiRT (Codemasters?). Not even mentioning PS3 exclusives like (drool) Uncharted or Ratchet and Clank.
The precedent has been set, we know that devs CAN and DO make strong PS3 versions of games. It's a matter of whether they will put the time in. If they don't put the time in, we won't buy the games. If we don't buy the games, they won't put the time in. That's all it is, a catch 22. I have a PC, which is the only real place to play Orange Box anyway, and the platform that I own it for. It doesn't affect me getting to enjoy this great game, but it is pretty suckfest that they couldn't bother to make a decent version for PS3-only gamers. I would have probably bought it for PS3 as well if it was good. Hear that Valve? EA? Some of us out there will buy your game twice if you do it right.
Stop being a fanboy Jive. Sonic sucks.
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