[QUOTE="AgentVX"][QUOTE="Vadrick"][QUOTE="jd7-03"] [QUOTE="MasterChumly"]Man people are avoiding this thread like its the plague. Vadrick
Its because the PS3 fanboys don't want to hear the truth.
That what? Its sold over 3 million units worldwide on the playstation brand alone and with no great games to back it up? Fact is launch numbers mean nothing both the xbox and gamecube sold faster then the PS2 its first 6monthes and look how that turned out in the long run. Once the exclusives role out the PS3 will dominate and the fact is as many people as I know that hate the PS3 they all plan on getting one eventually.
What does the xbox, gamecube and PS2 have anything to do with the current generation of consoles?
And what exclusives are you talking about? Last time I have checked, a good portion of games are multiplat. If you talking about MGS, HS and Liar, LOL, you really believe these games are gonna turn around horrid PS3 sales? They might spike the PS3 here and there, but in no way these games gonna save the PS3.
Whether you like to admitt it or not, price is the single defining factor in a consoles success, and the PS3 is in no real position to get ahead anytime soon. Until the PS3 drops to the $200 to $250 range, expect the PS3 just to be another niche product.
The xbox and gamecube have lots to do do with it because even though they had better launch figures the PS2 outsold both of them combined meaning the sales numbers now mean nothing. Hell if the numbers now were indicative to how things were going too turn out then the Wii would dominate this gen and I really dont see that happening in the long run.
So what games am I talking about? Well you named a few there and out of all those yes MGS is a huge system seller but you also forgot Uncharted.Drakes fortune, FF13,KZ2 and NGS. And thats just the titles coming out this year there will be many more announced at E3. Regardless all it needs is some big games and one price drop and the 360 is screwed especially with the release of the elite version all that did was shoot Microsoft in the foot and open the doors for Sony.
Ummm, no....... Last Generation has very little to do with todays console. All you have given was one possibility out of countless possiblilities. This is nothing but prediction, and a bad prediction I might add. Actually if you want to have a more accurate prediction, is that every console released in a "new generation" that was more expensive has alway's lost.
Well, lets look at a few. FF series is what I consider a system seller, MGS solid can some what be considered a system seller. But the other games you listed like KZ2 and NGS are definately not system sellers. The only other system seller the Sony brand has, which is not coming out this year is Grad Turismo.
And by far....ahead of the pack of system selling software for the Sony Brand is the GTA series, which is coming out for the 360, with exclusive downloadable content. People are going to pick up either a 360 or PS3 when this game comes out, and which one do you think that they are going to purchase. A console that's noticable more expensive with no as of yet, confirmed extra downloadable content, or a system that's price is noticably cheaper with downloadable content? 360 will win out.
And the 360 is in a much better situation to have a price drop than the PS3. The 360 is making money right now, and the PS3 is still losing quite a bit. Tell me that MS couldn't go toe to toe with Sony in that department.
Not only that, by the time Christmas comes out, the 360 library is still that much ahead of Sony's.
Sorry dude, at least for the next 2 years, the PS3 outlook is looking pretty grim. Question is, can it recover?
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