Choice, claims that consoles such as Sony's Playstation 3 chew up five times more energy than a fridge.
Apparently a fridge will go through $50 worth of electricity a year while a PS3 will cost $250 a year even if it is not used.
Vole's XBox did not use quite so much juice but came second behind the Sony. The PS3 used ten times more power than the Nintendo Wii.
The report said that the Apple iMac with a built-in display, consumes just two-thirds of the energy consumed by a traditional PC and that LCD monitors were more energy efficient than the CRT versions. µAUSSIE CONSUMER GROUP
According to this study PS3 Costs about $60 a year more for electricity than X360 (even while being idle) , Can we use this to counter the "$50 yearly for Xbox Live" argument? (JK) :P
Full Report (Charts)
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