If by "highest high end" you mean hardware released early-mid 2012 such as the $230 7870, then sure. But that's not exactly high end.
First of all, post a source to that claim. Very dubious. I dont believe you
Secondly, youre misunderstanding me. I will try my best to better explain it for you
For instance, Battlefield 4 on PS4 looks every bit as good as Battlefield 4 does maxed out on any high end PC
Hence my comment...
Now, Im NOT saying the PS4 has better specs then a high end PC,
What im saying is that despite that, the PS4 can render games that have equal graphics to their PC versions maxed out on most high end PCs etc
But of course a higher spec PC will be able to run that game at higher frame rates etc.....but PS4 is still out putting games that look every bit as good as their PC counter parts on the best of PCs etc
You understand now, right:)
Hell, there is NOTHING on the market (consoles or PC) that looks as unbelievable as Killzone Shafowfall does
However, to build a PC that has similar performamce to a PS4, for the same price of a PS4, that also has 8gb of GDDR5 ram and a GPUGPU like the PS4 would be impossible....
Power per dollar there is NOTHING out there that even comes close to offering what the PS4 is offering power per dollar
Just to build a PC with similar specs to a PS4 alone would cost you a fortune more then the PS4 does
PS4 is way ahead of the curve and is amazingly affordable to boot (thank you Sony)
The PS4 is WHAT the 360 was CLAIMED to be....
The 360 was never as graphically impressive for its time as hyped up to be nor was it as ahead of PCs as it was hyped up to be etc
The PS4 is.... and COSTS way less.....scale for inflation and the 360 cost about 600$-700$ back then...and the 360 didnt even have blue ray either and was still a little weaker then the PS3 ...
And now with the xbone, the xbone is a complete RIP OFF. The xbone is 50% weaker and 100$ more expensive then a PS4...
Microsoft is always fucking gamers over. **** Microsoft....Thank god for the PS4 and Thank god for Sony...Sony SAVED this gen....
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