Never said the games looked bad, but on a technical level it was below that of the gamecube and xbox (which were pretty close) and more on par with the dreamcast than anything else.
Thats a lie because I own all 3, about 90% of all the games looked identical on all the platforms. The only special things the xbox had was the Splinter cell series, NG and Doom. The GC on the other hand only flexed its muscle with Twilight Princess, Metroid and RE4. Even then GOW2 on PS2 looked better then about 99% of games on either the GC or Xbox.
Star Fox Adventures, F-Zero GX, and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II/III disagree.
Seriously, I think PS2's would catch fire trying to run something like F-Zero GX, especially at that speed.
While I agree hardware wise the PS2 had nothing on the Gamecube, I do think that god of war 2 does look better than any of those games you just listed. That was a general exception though, nothing else on the PS2 looked anywhere near as good.
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