@Shewgenja said:
@delta3074 said:
'Sony should sue Microsoft's asshole inside out for dumping. Your precious XBox exists by the grace of #BasedSony and Nintendo right now.'
Would not change a damn thing, Europe ordered MS to pay 1.4 million a day for Breach of anti-trust and MS just kept paying the fine with one executive describing it as 'small change from the back of the SOFA'
SONY doesn't have the funds to take on MS legally and even if they did win MS would just laugh, pay the fine and carry on as usual.
when it comes to finances Microsoft wipes the floor with both nintendo and SONY.
Then it's a good thing the market is deciding against such unbalanced competition.
how so? yes the Ps4 is outselling the Xbone but it's the fastest selling console in history, you have to get things in perspective, yes more people are choosing the Ps4 but the xbones first year is turning out to be on Par with the 360's first year of release (Xbox 360 sold 5,656,039 consoles in it's first year) which isn't bad by any means.
You have to get things in perspective, the Xbone is selling as well as the 360 did so it is selling really well ,the only reason it looks like it isn't is because the Ps4 is selling EXCEPTIONALLY well, it's already doubled first year Ps3 sales (Ps3 first year sales where 5,552,039).
The Xbone is doing as well as the 360 did last gen, the PS4 is doing far better than the Ps3 did last gen.
And you keep blaming microsoft for 'money hatting games' saying it's there fault because they did it first and they started all this crap but they didn't, remember HAZE?
'Haze was originally set to be released simultaneously on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in Summer 2007. However, the release date was pushed back to Winter, and it was announced at Sony's E3 2007 press conference that Haze would be exclusive to the PlayStation 3. This was a decision that had been made by Ubisoft. The game was then delayed further and eventually given a May 2008 release. Free Radical stated that the delays have allowed them to include several new features into the game.'
So you all ripped into Microsoft over tombraider conveniently forgetting that your precious SONY where pulling the same stunts already.
this is why i keep telling you guys, both companys are as guilty as each other when it comes to dodgy practices within the gaming industry and neither company is worth your loyalty.
If you like there Hardware and games then buy them but leave it at that dude, thes people don't give a flying **** about you and yours so you shouldn't give a flying **** about them and theres.
I was GUTTED when they announced HAZE was going to be a Ps3 exclusive but i wasn't shocked or surprised, thats what company's do there sole purpose is to make MONEY that is all.
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