A console that isn't even released yet being touted as "perfect", I'm baffled at how people can jump to these conclusions.
Even worse, the basis for this being: the most powerful, most popular, and having the best first party exclusives. You're basically comparing a handful of exclusives to the vast library released by the companies predecessors, let alone competitors. The consumers favourite doesn't make it perfect either, I'm not sure why I would have to put forth any reasoning for that one. Finally, "the most powerful" - Each generation has a platform that is ahead of it's rivals, yet that is surpassed by the next generation. Hence why it doesn't make it any more perfect than any prior generation, the PS4 should only be compared against this generation in relation to that.
Post this thread in about 5 years time, then you will gets some reasonable answers.
Edit* Also, it shows the state of the gaming industry when people are coining a platform "perfect" because it hasn't implemented any restrictive policies or invasion of privacy.
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