It amazes me how you people think "Core Blockbuster Exclusives" matter on a systems launch. in the end its whatever system appears more interesting to the end users after all the vast majority of games are multiplatform now, a large portion of users which do nowhere near the research we do and will have no idea about the "technical benefits" and "Developer liking" of the PS4..... something Sony fanboys forget was the OPPOSITE last gen and still Sony broke even with Microsoft because in the end those technical differences are a minor set back at most to developers.
This battle is nowhere near one sided just because developers like a confirmed platforms hardware. There are quite a few possible stunts microsoft could pull to grab the attention of most of the market.
1) Kinect 2.0 - the most popular "expensive" hardware extension out there selling 22 million. given its technical limitations that is impressive, why? because kinect 2.0 will improve on all of its functionality, hardcore "gamers" on this forum that only see one aspect of this technologies functionality are narrow minded. A good spec'd kinect essentially has the potential to smoke all the competition in the motion control departmend AND provide the best usability for a console without the use of a controller.
E.G .... the touchpad on the PS4 controller... a nice step foward ..... but its got such a small surface space ... and is limited to swipe and mouse moevment... great.... so in other words a tiny trackpad. COMPARED with the ability to just hold up your hand and move a sensitive mouse around the console OS which is already available BUT with 2.0 should be even smoother.
2) Skype Intergration - SONY is streaming 15 mins of recorded footage, streaming on the go ect? You guys realise skype can do this already? with multiple people. this combined with kinect being built into every system you have probably the most social overall system by a landslide. How do I know this will happen? SKYPE is imbedded into Windows Phone, its now a Microsoft product and your hotmail/live/microsoft account (which you will use to log into the xbox) are now one with Skype.
PSN chat and stream on apps for devices? Pfffft. nothing compared to the 100s millions of people using skype, hell skype is intergrated into my phone, if I want a call with a large group of freinds, I dont have to remotely give a damn what device I am using since pretty much EVERYTHING has skype.
3) Windows 8 Ecosystem... vs... PSN? - PSN is a tiny eco-system that will start from scratch because you cannot use your PS3 PSN stuff. *IF* xbox720 has backwards compatibility then we all know thats one massive plus already.
But, more importantly Xbox will have Windows 8 intergration and at the centre you won't log into a "Xbox live account" anymore because your "xbox live account" will be intergrated into your "Microsoft Account" - 1 login for all systems (Windows PC/Tablet/Phone/Console) they all share the same development tools and can easily be ported to one another.
THAT is a good insentive for developers across the board, you will likely see a big increase in ARCADE and APP titles for when those blockbuster exclusives have dry spells.
4) 55% of all software Sales this generation, most popular online - Both 2 HUGE statistics despite what anti-MS people want to believe. despite GOLD, and despite lack of "OMG AWESOME MOVIE EXCLUSIVES" games sell better and the online is used more on the Xbox360 and is far more attractive to developers in that sense.
You may have some nice exclusive naughtydog titles down the line (maybe not who knows.) but in the end more gamers play and buy more games for xbox.... and quite clearly appreciate gold despite its cost, afterall it IS the better eco system/service overall thats not up for debate.
Now, I am leaning towards PS4 purely because I miss asian games and I want to be able to play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn on both my PC and a console BUT, there is a reason investors DEMAND something new, something other than just an upgraded gaming box... because consoles have enough games regardless, there has to be a bigger overall lure.
In this department, Microsoft has an enourmous advantage over Sony.
Come NOV/DEC .... both release. the one just looks like a standard playstation 3 upgrade with a new controller.
The other, a completely upgraded intergrated Living room 3D tracking device launching with windows store and things like skype ect .... it just sounds so much more attractive for a what £300-400 device.
"Buh buh exclusives" what Killzone and Infamous? 2 luke warm franchises?
You better hope there isn't a next gen Halo to counter it at release (could be for all we know) I'm pretty damn sure what most gamers would rather....
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