@me2002 said:
Xbox One has the holy trinity assembled (HaloGearsForza) along with Tomb Raider timed exclusive.
PS4 has No Man's Sky, Tearaway Unfolded and Disgaea 5. Indie, Vita game and niche SRPG?WTF???
No way any major game coming this year will be announced at E3, 5 months before release. Maybe if Persona 5 comes this year and Uncharted Trilogy gets announced for this year things will even out a bit.
Lets party like is 2006...
You forgot Drawn to Death,every body gone to rapture,The Tomorrow Children,Fat Princes,HellBlade,Persona 5,Rime and i am sure there is more..
A better question would be what the xbox one has had since January 1 until now,and what will have from May to October.?
I guess that is a question lemmings are avoiding like a plague..
@-God- said:
One game (bloodborne) after 3 years.
yikes. DriveClub, Knack, The Order, Killzone, Infamous all flopping hurt pretty bad. Hopefully No Man's Sky is good...oh wait it's better on PC. I guess that leaves a few niche Animu titles which will likely fail.
You are officially a moron you doesn't have any real track of time,the PS4 isn't even 2 years old let alone 3..hahahahaa
Yeah NO man sky is better on PC when YOU get it,the PS4 has a release date first and it has no release date on PC..lol
@mems_1224 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@moistcarrot: PS4 has Bloodborne. That's one more than zero exclusives worth purchasing.
Your discussion also left out Wii U entirely.
bloodbourne is a niche title. i wouldn't call that worth purchasing when only a small number of people will actually be into it.
Been a niche title has shit to do with the game been worth buying,but it is you which would rather play the same shit for 100 years,i mean Halo gears forza damn Xbox 365 they should have call it instead of xbox one.
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