Great. But my MS stock is still shitting all over my SNE (NYSE). So what do the massive sales prove then? That you like what the majority does?
Oh, stock prices. That's awesome. I'm sure it makes up for 900p and every other shitty thing that comes with MS brand loyalty this gen. Lawls.
How do the sales numbers make up for not hitting 1080p 60 fps on every game on PS4? I'm not the one who made a thread about this shit
Sales have a direct affect on games. Japanese developers are hopping on the PS4 train with maximum effort now. I doubt they would doing that if things were playing out similar to last gen. You can try to twist it as being insignificant but a dominant PS4 will benefit the user base.
Absolutely. We are seeing it with Dragon Quest X and 11 back on PlayStation.. Star Ocean 5, Disgaea 5, Street Fighter 5, Yakuza 5, Persona 5, Dragon Quest builders, Neir 2, Shenume 3, etc.... none of these games will be on xbox platforms... all jp devs.. So yeah. Return of the king!
I am all for it. PS1 generation was the golden era where Western and Eastern games spawned on that console like nothing ever before.... and ps2 continued it. PS3 some of it dried up but came back during the last few years. It looks like ps4 will have the global synergy of all styles of games. I love games from both Western and Eastern devs and RPGS are my fav so this is great.
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