@AzatiS said:
@evildead6789 said:
@AzatiS said:
1) Spain nor Greece are that poor as you sounded let alone the poorest ... They having a big economical issue which getting help to overcome. The poorest countries in the world coming from Africa. Educate yourself before talk to me about facts.
2) Lol ... really you think it was X360 that held PS3 back and not the vice versa ? That PS3 did so bad that let X360 get a momentum ? Thats the pinnacle of fanboyism if you think PS3 didnt sale because of X360. Period
3) They utterly destroyed , not just destroyed. One of the big 3 , SEGA , stopped being a console manufacturer with Saturn being a letdown and Dreamcast even more. Why this happened ? Because of PS1/PS2 epic success. Nintendo after SNES , with N64 and GC lost every single momentum they had sales wise while lost major exclusives and 3rd party support ... guess to whom !! Sony and Playstation that is.
Get your facts straight because i was part of what was happening since NES/SNES era and i know exactly what happened and why. Its different to read about it and way different to be part of history yourself.
Sony innovations are well known to all of us , all you have to do is go to wikipedia and see for yourself. This statement like everything that Sony does with a console has already been done before on the PC made me laugh. Whats your point with that statement a god knows !
1) africa is not a part of europe, maybe you should have paid attention in geography classes
2) Sure, the xbox original was already way better than the ps2, the x360 also released a year before the ps3, at a lower price, better service and more features, all this while providing the same quality in multiplats.
3) Sega already released numerous addons and consoles that failed and this was because of bad management, not sony. The failure of the sega cd and sega 32 x had nothing to do with sony , the playstation didn't exist yet. Sony's success was because of the combination of 3d and the cd. However this was obvious, the pc showed that 3d was the future (with games like doom, wolfenstein, alone in the dark, duke nukem) and that a lot of space was needed for data, portable harddrives were too expensive so the cd was the only option.
Nintendo didn't want to use the cd because sony was going to supply them the cd in the first place but sony started to make his own consoles because they felt that nintendo's business proposal was not fair. Nintendo was also scared of piracy and for that they didn't use a cd. Sega did it for the same reason but made it even worse by not making a 3d system (the saturn was mainly built for 2d) . Both were bad business decisions. Sony's success was plain luck that nintendo and sega were such failures, the amiga cd 32 was even worse and for that sony had hardly any competition.
Sony made a lot of fans with the playstation 1 and that's the biggest reason why the playstation 2 was a success. The console itself was below mediocre, the gamecube and the xbox original were vastly better systems but because of the semi flopped n64 and the fact that xbox was new the market a lot of people chose sony. Once people realized how much better the xbox original was , a lot of people choose the x360 especially for the lower price and because it released sooner.
As for sonys innovations, you can't even give an example and that's because it's hard to find one. PEople were playing fps games years before it ever released on the consoles. Since microsoft came to the IT market, it dominated everything, simply because it could made used of the newest hardware through directx and windows. Since windows 95 the consoles were always behind the pc (and before that it was behind the arcade systems) and that will simply never change because consoles have fixed hardware.
1) My mistake. Even though Spain and Greece are not the poorest European countries even. Dont get brainwashed by TV. Learn the facts , Europe is a big continent and way poorer countries than Spain and Greece exists.Period. Also isnt X1 bundles or Wii U cheaper than Playstation ? How comes you saying they going for cheaper when PS4 atm is the most expensive one ? Lol .... I mean... pathetic bro.
Learn before you speak racism.
2) Just lol ... Thats all i have to say if you think PS3 wasnt the one that made X360 go strong last gen. Youll see this gen what will happen that PS4 price is viable for everyone. You already do actually.
3) Guess who killed Saturn and Dreamcast and made Nintendo look like a kitty cat while those 2 were the 2 big names in home video gaming for years. Sony did. Why all those exclusives Sony won from Nintendo ( like Final Fantasy series ) didnt end up to Saturn ( asumming both had CD rom ) ? You have brains , you can understand why.
--- I dont know why Nintendo didnt use a CD rom but they had more problems than lack of CD-rom. Architecture was a pain in the ass for developers alongside with super expensive cartridges drove 3rd party developers away. Go learn about all these , Wikipedia if i remember has a decent post about N64 , everything is there.
--- Sony made alot of fans because of games exclusivity and PS2 just delivered as much. With your logic why N64 wasnt a success assuming SNES made alot of fans? Something is wrong with that logic of yours right ? Why PS3 wasnt as big as PS2 assuming PS2 had alot of fans? Why Wii U struggles when Wii had alot of fans ? GC was better system than PS2 ... how many games it had to compete with PS2 ? Same for Xbox.
You see its not about hardware all the time. Its about games then hardware. If it was about hardware , PS1/PS2/Wii shouldnt have won their gens war. So think again please. You talking as what you saying are facts but facts themselfs are against you.
Besides , X360 never won a gen , despite being the "best" , despite PS3 being a problematic super expensive system , lose major exclusives , Sony being in multibillion losses ... It made it to be on par with X360 at the end. Wii won if you remember , not X360. So , if X360 couldnt win vs so many problems Sony had with PS3 ... Oh boy , just wait to see what will happen this gen. Just wait a year or 2. Youll understand then if you havent already.
As of innovations , i told you go to wiki and see for yourself. What innovations have to do with what we are talking is beyond any logic. But i assure you Sony has some of the biggest and industry new standard innovations vs both MS / Nintendo combined just not on video gaming. So dont speak generally about innovations , it wont end up fair for you because you sound like Sony has done nothing ! Just leave innovations aside , its not something that im looking for on a console in the end of the day. Games and hardware quality / price ratio is what im looking for .
1) Maybe you should look up in the dictionary what racism means. In europe as an entity , spain is the second poorest country. If you think that statement involves racism in any way I suggest you pay more attention in classes or go back to shool. If you want to discuss geography, some see europe as a continent others don't and see eurasia as a continent. But like I said i was speaking about europe as a entity, so members of the european union.
2) The xbox original had already momentum because it was a stronger system than the ps2, it released later than the ps2 and still had pretty good sales. The xbox had more hardware failures than the ps3, so that has nothing to do with the success of the x360. The x360 was more successfull in the beginning because it released sooner, was cheaper, had multiplayer features (like party chat), had better service and because a lot of people realized that microsoft was a good console maker because of the xbox original.
3) I already explained it to you in the previous post. Because of the use of the cd -rom , sony was able to make a lot better games because the devs had more resources. The n64 was actually a better system than the ps1 but it was severely handicapped by the data carrier. I already explained to you why nintendo didn't use the cd-rom. As for the saturn, the system wasn't build for 3d, it performed better in 2d games, but 3d was the future and that was fairly obvious when you looked at games released on the pc. Like I said nintendo made a bad business decision by not using the cd -rom but sega's decisions were even worse because they built a system that wasn't made for 3d (they did use a cd though, but the system had enormous performance issues with 3d because it didn't had any specialized 3d chips). It was the same with the amiga cd 32 and that's why those systems (semi) flopped.
Sega's dreamcast couldn't save them anymore, most people had enough of them. The sega 32x , sega cd-rom and sega saturn were 3 bad business decisions in a row and as much fans that sega had accumulated in the past, most people pretty much had it with sega. Nintendo had the advantage that they had a lot of fans because of mario and zelda which were way more successfull than sega's sonic and the n64 was only one bad business decision and it wasn't as bad as sega's saturn. But the use of the cd rom in the ps1 made such a huge difference in quality that a lot of people simply choose for sony again with the ps2 and passed on the gamecube. A lot of people went to xbox as well because of it's superior hardware promise.
You can say that the x360 didn't won the gen, but sony didn't either, the wii did like you said, but not a lot of games were sold on the wii and that gives a warped image of the success of the console. The x360 and ps3 were fairly even last gen and it's because this gen lasted so long that sony was able to adress the extra power in the ps3 late in the gen.
The ps4 is a better system though, you don't have to be a genius to see that. Combined with the fact that you're not obliged to pay to play online and that it didn't had a mandatory kinect made the system simply more successfull. Microsoft has been a fool this gen, but it still has a lot of fans because of the xbox original and x360 but they will lose this gen for sure, or a miracle has to happen (maybe the cloud who knows?)
As for sony's innovations, it is you that says they have so many innovations, i don't have to do your research so you could win the argument. Sony may have done nice things with an existing formula but sony doesn't bring anything really new to the market, not like the pc does anyway. I understand what your looking for in a console, I have a console myself but I don't have a ps3/ps4. Sony was never interesting to me because I've always been a pc man mainly and for console needs, sega, nintendo and microsoft have served me pretty well till now.
I considered buying a ps4 but I won't because I have certain exclusives I need on the xbox and that is fifa legends. If sony comes with something really cool then i'll certainly buy one, the exclusives really don't interest me till now and for superior graphics i'll go for the pc. Star citizen releases next year on the pc so I doubt sony will be able to tempt me (maybe with the morpheus who knows)
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