[QUOTE="RR360DD"][QUOTE="campzor"]how can lems claim xbl offers more value or anywhere near the value ps+ does.
Take this for example. Out of this list, I own Uncharted 3, Deus Ex HR and Saints Row 3. In Australia, the price for an annual subscription is $69. If i were to purchase PS Plus right now, I would get Xcom, LBP Karting, Machinarium, Gods eater burst and Virtues Last Reward, all for the price of $69 which in reality if i were to purchase each game individually, would most definitely be more than $69. So far, its already paid for itself. Now this is just 1 month.... 11 more months of games being swapped around means there will be like 70+ games that I could play for free (as the $69 already paid for games I would have gotten anyways). And most of these games are like <1 year old. There is no drawback to ps plus, please dont give me some lame excuse like "but you dont OWN them, you only RENT them and once the subscription finishes, you lose those games" Well... 2 things for you. 1. Why stop subscribing? You are going to get hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of games for only $69. 2. Do ppl seriously play ALL their old games? I have a decent size collection of games and I barely go back and play the games which i finished years ago :/ and if it bothers you so much, go buy the games you actually would want to keep playing FOREVER and still have all these games coming at you. 

Because Value is subjective. Not fact.
In your example, I've played and beat every single one of those games except for LBP Karting and LOL do I want to play that.
I keep track of what PSN adds every month and its always something Ive already played or something I was never interested in in the first place, so why bother. The only reason it was enticing on the PS4 was that it offered Drive Club day one, but now we know its actually a gimped version of Drive Club.
dont be sad... i downloaded games i wasnt interested in at first.. i tryed it for FREE and guess what i finished the games fir FREEFirstly, its not free.
Secondly, thats cool. I'm not about to bash people who think PSN+ is great. But PSN+ being useful or full of value isnt true for everyone. If I want a game, I'll get it day 1 usually, I certainly won't wait for it to come available on PSN, so the service just isn't useful to me.
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