With amazing games such as MGS Peace Walker, Ys Seven, KH Birth By Sleep:D, and Valkyria Chronicles 2...
and soon GOW: Ghost of Sparta:shock:
Is there anybody who still thinks NDS won this year?:P
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With amazing games such as MGS Peace Walker, Ys Seven, KH Birth By Sleep:D, and Valkyria Chronicles 2...
and soon GOW: Ghost of Sparta:shock:
Is there anybody who still thinks NDS won this year?:P
Hooray after 5 years the PSP manages to have a slightly better year than the DS. Also Ys:7 isn't exactly something that "blows" the DS out of the water.
[QUOTE="Diviniuz"]Pokemon Heart Goldkipohippo021This, i love my psp more tho, ds only for ss, but ds is winning bro with only one game?
[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]how is the PSP having a better year ? the DS lineup obliterates it well you gotta show me the proof my friendHooray after 5 years the PSP manages to have a slightly better year than the DS. Also Ys:7 isn't exactly something that "blows" the DS out of the water.
With amazing games such as MGS Peace Walker, Ys Seven, KH Birth By Sleep:D, and Valkyria Chronicles 2...
and soon GOW: Ghost of Sparta:shock:
Is there anybody who still thinks NDS won this year?:P
The PSP has gotten some good love this year, but not as much as the DS.
2 of tSoul Silver, Dragon Quest IX, Okamiden and Golden Sun >>> all that PSP nonsense. :P
Don't talk about unreleased games because nothing is absoluteI'm pretty sure the 3DS launch lineup already destroys the PSP library.
Don't talk about unreleased games because nothing is absoluteihsanqueenI see GoW Ghost of Sparta in your OP :?
Soul Silver, Dragon Quest IX, Okamiden and Golden Sun >>> all that PSP nonsense. :P
and Pokemon HeartGold, Puzzle Quest 2, andWarioWare D.I.Y. are all angry at being kept off the list.
there are so many games on ds so its hard to point out the big ones
id say they are DQ6 Reals of the Rivery, Final Fantasy Warriors of Light, Pokemon Black and White, Fire Emblem Heroes of Light and Darkness, Golden Sun 3, Okamiden, Sonic Colors, Golden Eye DS, Etrian Odyssey III, Metal Max 3, Rune factory 3, Mario and Donkey Kong 3, Super Scriblenauts, COD Black Ops,
DQIX, PKMN HG and SS, Final Fantasy the 4 Heroes of Light, Super Scribblenauts, Ghost Trick, Golden Sun Dark Dawn, Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded, Picross 3D, Dementium 2, Alice in Wonderland, Warioware DIY, Dark Void Zero, Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth.
Those are all pretty good games the DS has had this year. Id say the 2 are pretty equal.
Soul Silver, Dragon Quest IX, Okamiden and Golden Sun >>> all that PSP nonsense. :P
and Pokemon HeartGold, Puzzle Quest 2, andWarioWare D.I.Y. are all angry at being kept off the list.
pffft Soul Silver >>> Heart Gold. I also forgot to mention professor layton and the lost future
DS Games of 2010
-Dragon Quest IX
-Pokémon HG & SS
-Golden Sun DS
-Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
-Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
-Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light
-Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
-Super Scribblenauts
-Pokémon BW
-WarioWare D.I.Y.
-Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations
Not to say that the PSP is doing bad (because it's doing excellent this year), but the DS wins for me
The DS and PSP both have strong years, but no, you can't debunk the entire PSP lineup with Pokemon, which has been unchanged for like 10 years. 110millionin terms of sales i doubt that all PSP games combined listed by the OT will ever reach the sales of one mainline pokemon version
With amazing games such as MGS Peace Walker, Ys Seven, KH Birth By Sleep:D, and Valkyria Chronicles 2...
and soon GOW: Ghost of Sparta:shock:
Is there anybody who still thinks NDS won this year?:P
PSP definetly is winning this year.
but your list is insta fail for not mentioning Persona 3 Portable. :P
[QUOTE="110million"]The DS and PSP both have strong years, but no, you can't debunk the entire PSP lineup with Pokemon, which has been unchanged for like 10 years. farnhamin terms of sales i doubt that all PSP games combined listed by the OT will ever reach the sales of one mainline pokemon version brb playing sales.
[QUOTE="HarlockJC"]Rather than just sit here and say my games better than yours...This year the PSP has had 11 games A and up, during the same time the DS has had 14 games that were A and up. farnhamalso GS had some very questionable reviews.. how is Strange Journey a 6 ?Because he compared Shin Megami Tensei IV to recent spin-offs he reviewed like Persona 4 and Devil Survivor and in return looked upon the old-school dungeon crawler from a perspective of being outdated. Even when almost every other reviewer gave the game an AA score.
This after my psp broke i decided to get a ds because of all the talk about how its the holy grail of handheld gaming but i can honestly say i miss my psp :( I enjoyed the type of games on psp alot more then ds.I always liked psp games better. I can't get into ds.
brb playing sales. 110million
This is the dumbest comment I always here. EVERYONE plays sales, EVERYONE. If the PS1 sold 100 consoles world wide, would the PS2 have been released? If no one bought Persona 1 would Persona 2 have been made? EVERY sequel, EVERY, is made because it sold well. So yes you play sales just like everyone else. So please quit using that stupid arguement.
[QUOTE="110million"] brb playing sales. SexySasquatch11
This is the dumbest comment I always here. EVERYONE plays sales, EVERYONE. If the PS1 sold 100 consoles world wide, would the PS2 have been released? If no one bought Persona 1 would Persona 2 have been made? EVERY sequel, EVERY, is made because it sold well. So yes you play sales just like everyone else. So please quit using that stupid arguement.
Sales havent changed pokemon in 10 years though also has a bad effect.Please Log In to post.
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