Poll Q: Anyone else becoming..."burnt out" with games these days? Are we getting old? (99 votes)
I feel like I need to say this...Because I have been feeling like this for a while now.
Are any of you...Just...Not interested, or just can't justify paying $60 for most games these days?
I just can't help but say...Meh, when I see most games these days. I mean...I don't think that the games suck, but I just don't want to pay $60 for them. I don't care how much content they have, they just don't entice me like they used to...Why?
Honestly, I'm only hyped for 3 games coming out this year. Zelda U, Tearaway: Unfolded, (Never played the original), and Splatoon...Maybe Xenoblade Chronicles X too. Bloodborne I'm excited for, but not really "craving". I haven't even finished the DLC for Dark Souls 2.
So...What's wrong with us? I can't be the only person who feels this way...Are we just getting old? Or are we just tired of seeing the same crap with a different coat of paint over and over again?
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