Q: Anyone else becoming..."burnt out" with games these days? Are we getting old?

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Poll Q: Anyone else becoming..."burnt out" with games these days? Are we getting old? (99 votes)

I not very hyped for most games these days. Very few get me excited. 89%
I am hyped for the majority of the games these days, and will buy most/all of them. 11%

I feel like I need to say this...Because I have been feeling like this for a while now.

Are any of you...Just...Not interested, or just can't justify paying $60 for most games these days?

I just can't help but say...Meh, when I see most games these days. I mean...I don't think that the games suck, but I just don't want to pay $60 for them. I don't care how much content they have, they just don't entice me like they used to...Why?

Honestly, I'm only hyped for 3 games coming out this year. Zelda U, Tearaway: Unfolded, (Never played the original), and Splatoon...Maybe Xenoblade Chronicles X too. Bloodborne I'm excited for, but not really "craving". I haven't even finished the DLC for Dark Souls 2.

So...What's wrong with us? I can't be the only person who feels this way...Are we just getting old? Or are we just tired of seeing the same crap with a different coat of paint over and over again?

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#51 NoZakuBoy09
Member since 2015 • 141 Posts

Huge thing like some previous users have said, is to mix up your free time hobbies. It can be pretty easy for me to burn out on videogames if that's literally all I do in my free time.

Sounds wierd but I actually have a schedule of sorts, where usually I play video games every other day or if I log like 8+hrs in a day somehow, then I'll go on a 3-5 day break from videogames. Like for example I've logged a crapton of hours in LoZ Twilight Princess this week Mon Tue Wed because we had essentially been snowed in where I live, so now I'm going to do other stuff like anime, reading Dance with Dragons , watching some movies with my friend tomorrow, and go back to TP on Sunday.

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#53  Edited By SerOlmy
Member since 2003 • 2369 Posts

I can kind of agree with the OP on this one. The last two years or so there has been very little I would say I'm "excited" about. I picked up a few games here or there, and there has been at least a couple games in the last two years I was super duper hyped about that actually lived up to it - Bioshock Infinite and Transistor. But at this point the games I am most excited about - Torment 2, Dreamfall Chapters, Homeworld Remastered, Pillars of Eternity, Star Citizen - are either indie games or old-school games. Most of the new IPs and modern games recently have turned out very disappointing even in genres I typically like.

I think it is just an ebb and flow sorta thing, that the games that really interest you aren't always available at all times. I'm sure in a year or two we should see some more interesting stuff. Until then I'll just have to be excited about non-main stream games, which is fine IMO.

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#54 bforrester420
Member since 2014 • 3480 Posts

There's a very strong possibility that the PS3 is the last console I ever purchase. I'll probably continue to play some of the big named Open World games (Fallout, Elder Scrolls, GTA) and the Civ series, but that's likely it.

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#55 bussinrounds
Member since 2009 • 3324 Posts

@wis3boi said:

big budget games and the general console market burned me out years ago, it's mostly mass produced shit, it feels like fast food gaming. I've moved to strictly PC and more niche games with a sprinkling of the 'mainstream' on the side, and couldnt be happier

This, right here.

If I only played big mainstream/AAA games , as far as newer stuff goes, I probably would have just given up on gaming.

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#56 milannoir
Member since 2008 • 1663 Posts

My antidote to "gamer burnout" is called PC gaming. Everytime I get the feeling that I've seen it all, that modern games are all the same and so on, I either :

1. Go back to any all-time classic. Extremely easy to do on a system that has infinite backward compatibility. Or...

2. I try out a new genre, or an indie game with a good reputation etc. Again, PC is the best place to do this.

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#57  Edited By LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

I'm occasionally hyped on games, but I only preorder Nintendo stuff now since those games are usually harder to find at launch than something like Evolve.

But the put it in perspective, the last Super Hyped I've been for a game was Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. So I'm not totally done with games just yet.

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#58 jsmoke03
Member since 2004 • 13719 Posts

fortunately for me i'm not burnt out at all. I'm finding that i'm loving more games as an adult than when i was 10 years old.

My problem is i dont have time to be committed to a game anymore. I only have time for the mindless vegging out in games so thats why fps and sports games work out for me than playing 100 hour rpg or stuff like that. A lot has to do with work and having to balance life instead of dedicating everything to gaming. I got away with it when i didnt have work or responsibilities, but adult gaming is difficult to balance.

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#59 sonic_spark
Member since 2003 • 6196 Posts

I'm getting old... *looks at signup date...*

It's more of a time thing than anything. Work takes up the majority of my time. I only post when I'm cruising the net on a "break". Aside from that the last time I was truly, beyond belief hyped up, amped up, whatever, was when I saw the first trailer for Zelda Twilight Princess many years ago.

The only time I got close to that was when I saw the trailer for Halo 3.

Some honorable mentions go to:

  • Mario Galaxy
  • Metroid Prime 3
  • Gears of War

Those are based on trailers. So far, nothing has me hyped. I'm of course super pumped about Zelda, Halo 5, and possibly God of War 4 (if the story continues). But, there hasn't been these trailers that are blowing my mind. Beta's, gameplay footage... not doing it for me.

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#60 clyde46
Member since 2005 • 49061 Posts

I have no time for games anymore. I think I get to play on a Friday night and thats it. I spend most of that time playing Mechwarrior Online. Nothing that has been released appeals to me now. None of the consoles appeal to me. I have a PS4 that I've barely touched, a PC I hardly use now.

I think I'm getting old...

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#61 Mr_Huggles_dog
Member since 2014 • 7805 Posts

I'm getting old and I'm enjoying gaming.

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#62 JangoWuzHere
Member since 2007 • 19032 Posts

Hype has nothing to do with loving video games. I haven't bought a $60 game in two years, but I still play games every single day and love them.

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#63 dr_jashugan
Member since 2006 • 2665 Posts

@bunchanumbers said:

Go retro. You'll love it for like 3 or 4 years. After a while you'll get the craving to start up again and maybe there will be one or 2 games that will be good.

This. Or MAYBE today's GAMES ARE getting SHORTER / MORE EXPENSIVE / with MORE MicroTransactions / with MORE DLC (scam) / with ALL those aspects mentioned before ? :-\

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#64 enzyme36
Member since 2007 • 5583 Posts

It will pass...

... hunt some monsters!

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#65 Alucard_Prime
Member since 2008 • 10107 Posts

Not at all, still very happy with gaming as my main hobby. I'd like to take a long vacation from my job so I can play more games, that's the real issue for me lol. Games have a harder time holding my interest until the credits though, and this is quite obvious when I look at my collection as I have many games I am halfway through and have put on the side to finish at a later date. The main reason for this though is because I have less time to play games than when I was younger.

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#66 blueinheaven
Member since 2008 • 5567 Posts

I got kind of burned out till I realised you don't have to play 'every' game in the genres you like, just play the really good ones. In the same vein I say people advising you to play indies ffs if you're going to do that play the seminal games from the past from SNES onwards not the 'me too' indie releases. Why play some ugly crap some doofus made in his bedroom just because it's cheap?

A few good examples of only playing games that I really like is Diablo 3 which I'm loving on PS4. Divinity OS on PC. Halo MCC on Xbox One. Between the three of those I have no time to play anything else. Basically, play 'the best' of the kind of games you like and you won't burn out. Playing average crap will burn anyone out.

Also, like some people suggested, read books, watch movies, go out with friends, do other things videogames are always there but they aren't all that is there. Good luck bro.

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#67 Catalli  Moderator
Member since 2014 • 3453 Posts

Just because very few games truly excite me doesn't mean I'm getting too old for gaming or that I've lost interest... I've just always been like that. I wouldn't say I've lost interest in reading because I haven't read most or all of the books that came out in the last year...

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#68 TheEroica  Moderator
Member since 2009 • 24595 Posts

The times I begin losing interest in the hobby are self inflicted... Stop buying the same games... Skip sequels, and broaden your horizons.... There is an insane amount of quality content out there. A great game is a great game, no matter what the size of the marketing budget is.

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#69 Extrodinare101
Member since 2015 • 324 Posts

I stick to Nintendo only now, thank God I moved away from PS4, after the disaster that was Order 1886 I'm glad that I lowered my expectations and am instead enjoying Kirby and the Rainbow Curse.

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#70  Edited By speedfreak48t5p
Member since 2009 • 14494 Posts

Getting older. I am no longer the young stud I was once. I am 24 now, and am not getting any younger.

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#71 GrenadeLauncher
Member since 2004 • 6843 Posts

@makemefamous07 said:

@GrenadeLauncher: lol buyers remorse. You never seem to counter what i say besdies say the words lem? watever the hell that means and *lol* You're the one with the buyers remorse since you'ere in here 24/7 lol. Whats wrong you already done with The Order lol? shitty game that everyone and there mothers laughed at with those videos and review scores. Uh huh im so jealous lol. Driveclub? lol bare bones game/ boring and nothing to do but drive in circles in a boring circuit. U mad son that sony lied about the free version now trying to sweep that under the rug cuz they aint giving it to you.

Mhm seems like you're salty kid and u mad that we laugh at u and u got nothing to say nor say anything good about your exclusvies (cuz there shit) nor have i heard u say anything about loving your exclusvies besides xbox this and xbox that lol. I know you're mad that you bought a ps4 and were stupid enough to double dip and buy TLOU fraud edition/ resogun/ lbp3 on ps4 even tho u could of got it on ps3 like me and others which was the smart buyers choice since u can play those online for FREE & not pay for online on ps4. Its common knowledge but its ok theres stupid people in this world & you happen to be born one of them lol Buyers remorse is right here named grenade launcher lol

I know you're butt hurt its clearly obvious its ok no need to deny it like a crack addict. Shhh we get it you're mad that you're stuck with terrible exclusvies which is plain out fact but dont take your anger out on other people or companys. Shh its ok that games are only 30fps on ps4 now and Revelations 2 runs terrible on ps4 among other but shhh Blame sony thats who you're really mad at. Feel better lol?

Considering every post of yours is a desperate attempt to justify owning an Xbone, it's fair to assume that you're a stuck in your ways fanboy and no amount of logic will ever get you out of the gaming ghetto.

Funny that Rev 2 also runs badly on PC and Shitbox as well. Dat unoptimisation. That's all you have. Oh, and weak exclusives as the averages attest.

Try using punctuation in future too, though that might be a bridge too far for a lem.

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#72  Edited By Sgt_Crow
Member since 2004 • 6099 Posts

I've been burned out from gaming for 5 or so years during most of last gen, until the moment I bought a 3DS in february last year and a Wii U in august last year.
Been buying and playing games like crazy since then.

Nostalgic feelings that had been gone since the PS2 and GameCube era have come back to me ever since.

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#73 gameofthering
Member since 2004 • 11286 Posts

I am becoming bored of each new game after 2-3 hours of playing it. Sometimes it feels like a chore trying to play through games.

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#74 Ghost120x
Member since 2009 • 6060 Posts

Some new, gen defining games (that are good) are needed this gen. Although, I'm still having fun, I just wish I had more time to game.

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#75  Edited By Floppy_Jim
Member since 2007 • 25933 Posts

I could dine on the meat of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 (and Bloodborne?) over and over again for the forseeable future really. They're addictive like all the crack cocaine in the world and never feel like a chore; qualities lacking in most other games. I'm going to be pickier than I was with the last generation of consoles.

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#76 fend_oblivion
Member since 2006 • 6760 Posts

Most of the games these days just feel...meh.

Only a few manage to impress me.

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#77 parkurtommo
Member since 2009 • 28295 Posts

I'm definitely growing out of games at this point. DOTA 2 is the only game that can captivate me for more than 1 hour beyond a superficial level. Like I'll keep buying new games but only so I can see the evolution of the industry and technical advancements, because that's important for me... Generally speaking though, I feel like I'm procrastinating when I play video games and I don't like that feeling anymore, it feels irresponsible.

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#78 parkurtommo
Member since 2009 • 28295 Posts

@funsohng said:

What does age have anything to do with this?

I'd say it's related to responsibility, when we're kids, particularly teenagers, most of us aren't responsible for much at all, so we need something really time consuming and satisfying to give that sense of productivity and entertainment. And then suddenly that space that video games used to fill is taken by work.

This obviously isn't everyone's case but this is what I've been feeling lately, working is more satisfying than playing video games for me, DOTA 2 is the only exception.

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#79 deactivated-5acbb9993d0bd
Member since 2012 • 12449 Posts

It's not age...

The gaming industry now values "Polish" and "Experiences" more so than raw gameplay, creative ideas etc. Aiming at the most people possible... this makes shallow games that while we may have liked them at first, they burn out and become boring.

Look at the FPS genre and what CoD has done to it....., same as World of Warcraft with the MMO genre..... spawned countless copies, effected other franchises negatively ...

You never see PROPER class based, objective/conquest style game modes anymore... too much effort for the peasantry that has made TDM "the only proper mode". No creativivity... I painfully miss Jedi Outcast and Return to Castle Wolfentsien: Enemy territory and other games like them.

Kickstarters are a MASSIVE risk, but one of the only ways to get experiences not aimed at the mass market.... however, the only 2 I think have really got any chance (well one succeeeded, Divinity original sin) and Star Citizen .... one of the few games I'm incredibly excited for still... because its a no-compromise vision with AAA budget.

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#80 Maroxad
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@MBirdy88 said:

Kickstarters are a MASSIVE risk, but one of the only ways to get experiences not aimed at the mass market.... however, the only 2 I think have really got any chance (well one succeeeded, Divinity original sin) and Star Citizen .... one of the few games I'm incredibly excited for still... because its a no-compromise vision with AAA budget.

There is also Faster Than Light and Wasteland 2. That said, Kickstarters are still a massive risk with so many projects going unfinished.

@blueinheaven said:

I got kind of burned out till I realised you don't have to play 'every' game in the genres you like, just play the really good ones. In the same vein I say people advising you to play indies ffs if you're going to do that play the seminal games from the past from SNES onwards not the 'me too' indie releases. Why play some ugly crap some doofus made in his bedroom just because it's cheap?

Because there is a lot more to a game than pretty graphics.

Not the prettiest game around, but it sure as hell is a lot more engrossing than AAA crap like The Order, Destiny, DA:I and MCC.

This game is prettier than the game above, and has a much better UI as well. But is still not quite as engrossing as the other game despite the far superior graphics.

Why is this the case? Because the former game has better gameplay. That doesnt mean that the game is weak or poor however. Both games have enjoyed far more playtime than 95% of post 2006 AAA games I have played. With the first game being a 9/10 and the other being an 8/10.

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#81  Edited By Ribstaylor1
Member since 2014 • 2186 Posts

I've gotten to the point now that only very select few tittles that are generally pushing the boundaries of the industry in some way, shape or form get me excited. The only current game I'm 100% hyped to see come out in it's finished form would be star citizen. Other then that right now there isn't much I'm all that interested in.

The last games in the series I enjoy playing were all a slap in the face compared to previous tittles they had made. All for $60-$80 at launch plus DLC and micro-transactions chipping away at it's content. Oh and they also released broken and unfinished. Hard to get interested when companies have gone down that path of creating shit. Like who the **** wants Twitch streaming support in game when your missing even basic features previous tittles had... Why the **** would I want to advertise their shit for free anyway?

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#82 UnbiasedPoster
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No, play better games. The Evil Within, Wasteland 2, and Shadows of Mordor were all great and I never got bored with any of them.

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#83 funsohng
Member since 2005 • 29976 Posts

@parkurtommo said:

@funsohng said:

What does age have anything to do with this?

I'd say it's related to responsibility, when we're kids, particularly teenagers, most of us aren't responsible for much at all, so we need something really time consuming and satisfying to give that sense of productivity and entertainment. And then suddenly that space that video games used to fill is taken by work.

This obviously isn't everyone's case but this is what I've been feeling lately, working is more satisfying than playing video games for me, DOTA 2 is the only exception.

I don't think that's about age either.

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#84 parkurtommo
Member since 2009 • 28295 Posts

@funsohng said:

@parkurtommo said:

@funsohng said:

What does age have anything to do with this?

I'd say it's related to responsibility, when we're kids, particularly teenagers, most of us aren't responsible for much at all, so we need something really time consuming and satisfying to give that sense of productivity and entertainment. And then suddenly that space that video games used to fill is taken by work.

This obviously isn't everyone's case but this is what I've been feeling lately, working is more satisfying than playing video games for me, DOTA 2 is the only exception.

I don't think that's about age either.

Not directly, no. But it's still related to "growing up".

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#85 superbuuman
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@pikachudude860 said:

I can understand if most of you still get hyped and buy up all the games that come out. But everything these days look, IMO, dull and uninteresting...Boring even. Dying Light, Evolve, Assassin's Creed, etc, come to mind.

somebody on here has to agree with me.

Could be just the new releases/trend of games that comes out incomplete or buggy or full of DLCs and micro transactions. or just not very good games out atm? maybe your subconscious is saying these new games ain't worth it.....or you just need a break to go do something else like Gundam model kit. Heck if you do something new not related to games & you like it, may end up never come back to gaming. :P Myself getting less new games but catching up games on PS3 (I got my PS3 late) ..just started playing Ni No Kuni. :P

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#86 funsohng
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@parkurtommo said:

@funsohng said:

@parkurtommo said:

@funsohng said:

What does age have anything to do with this?

I'd say it's related to responsibility, when we're kids, particularly teenagers, most of us aren't responsible for much at all, so we need something really time consuming and satisfying to give that sense of productivity and entertainment. And then suddenly that space that video games used to fill is taken by work.

This obviously isn't everyone's case but this is what I've been feeling lately, working is more satisfying than playing video games for me, DOTA 2 is the only exception.

I don't think that's about age either.

Not directly, no. But it's still related to "growing up".

Eh, I don't know. That sounds like as if playing games makes me immature. Which it isn't. I don't think you have to "enjoy" working to be "growing" up.

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#87 DarkLink77
Member since 2004 • 32731 Posts

I think it's less "we're getting old" and more "games in general are less engaging these days."

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#88 NyaDC
Member since 2014 • 8006 Posts

This thread is the exact reason I am currently spending thousands of dollars to build up a game library spanning over 1,000 titles on 14 different platforms. The games of today in most cases feel empty, soulless I guess you could say, I am having to go backwards to find enjoyment in gaming again.

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#89 ConanTheStoner
Member since 2011 • 23838 Posts

I just go through phases. Right now I'm on the upswing, coming out of one of the longest "I don't give a ****" periods I've experienced. Seriously, for the bulk of gen 7 I just wasn't feeling it. A game had to be truly remarkable to draw me in. Finally getting back into it though.

People will say "try new things!", or "yes that comes with age." and both of those can be true as well as a multitude of other factors. But sometimes you do just simply burn out. I always seem to bounce back eventually, but some people don't. Just how it is.

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#90 ConanTheStoner
Member since 2011 • 23838 Posts

Haha, some of the posts in this thread. Reminds me of this.

Loading Video...

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#91 Gue1
Member since 2004 • 12171 Posts

@speedfreak48t5p said:

Getting older. I am no longer the young stud I was once. I am 24 now, and am not getting any younger.

after 25 is all downhill man. Follow a diet and do some exercise or you're gonna look like you're 40 in your late 20's.

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#92 parkurtommo
Member since 2009 • 28295 Posts

@funsohng said:

@parkurtommo said:

@funsohng said:

@parkurtommo said:

@funsohng said:

What does age have anything to do with this?

I'd say it's related to responsibility, when we're kids, particularly teenagers, most of us aren't responsible for much at all, so we need something really time consuming and satisfying to give that sense of productivity and entertainment. And then suddenly that space that video games used to fill is taken by work.

This obviously isn't everyone's case but this is what I've been feeling lately, working is more satisfying than playing video games for me, DOTA 2 is the only exception.

I don't think that's about age either.

Not directly, no. But it's still related to "growing up".

Eh, I don't know. That sounds like as if playing games makes me immature. Which it isn't. I don't think you have to "enjoy" working to be "growing" up.

No no no not at all, I don't think playing games is immature at all lol, just that's it's very easy to lose interest once there's more to worry about in life. And if not, power to you. Being able to enjoy games in the same way, or at least in a similar way, as when I was a little kid would be invaluable.

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#93  Edited By Alucard_Prime
Member since 2008 • 10107 Posts

@Maroxad said:
@MBirdy88 said:

Kickstarters are a MASSIVE risk, but one of the only ways to get experiences not aimed at the mass market.... however, the only 2 I think have really got any chance (well one succeeeded, Divinity original sin) and Star Citizen .... one of the few games I'm incredibly excited for still... because its a no-compromise vision with AAA budget.

There is also Faster Than Light and Wasteland 2. That said, Kickstarters are still a massive risk with so many projects going unfinished.

@blueinheaven said:

I got kind of burned out till I realised you don't have to play 'every' game in the genres you like, just play the really good ones. In the same vein I say people advising you to play indies ffs if you're going to do that play the seminal games from the past from SNES onwards not the 'me too' indie releases. Why play some ugly crap some doofus made in his bedroom just because it's cheap?

Because there is a lot more to a game than pretty graphics.

Not the prettiest game around, but it sure as hell is a lot more engrossing than AAA crap like The Order, Destiny, DA:I and MCC.

This game is prettier than the game above, and has a much better UI as well. But is still not quite as engrossing as the other game despite the far superior graphics.

Why is this the case? Because the former game has better gameplay. That doesnt mean that the game is weak or poor however. Both games have enjoyed far more playtime than 95% of post 2006 AAA games I have played. With the first game being a 9/10 and the other being an 8/10.

Indeed Gameplay can go a long way

"Not the prettiest game around" ...quite the understatement there lol(no offense...that gave me a few laughs, thanks for posting)

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#94 funsohng
Member since 2005 • 29976 Posts

@parkurtommo said:

@funsohng said:

@parkurtommo said:

Not directly, no. But it's still related to "growing up".

Eh, I don't know. That sounds like as if playing games makes me immature. Which it isn't. I don't think you have to "enjoy" working to be "growing" up.

No no no not at all, I don't think playing games is immature at all lol, just that's it's very easy to lose interest once there's more to worry about in life. And if not, power to you. Being able to enjoy games in the same way, or at least in a similar way, as when I was a little kid would be invaluable.

Ah I see, that makes sense.

I don't think I enjoy it the same way, but in a different, but equally meaningful way nowadays.

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#95  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 25448 Posts
@Alucard_Prime said:

Indeed Gameplay can go a long way

"Not the prettiest game around" ...quite the understatement there lol(no offense...that gave me a few laughs, thanks for posting)

Pretty poor technical graphics indeed, but there are a few graphics mods to make it look better.

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#96  Edited By hrt_rulz01
Member since 2006 • 22701 Posts

@pikachudude860 said:

I can understand if most of you still get hyped and buy up all the games that come out. But everything these days look, IMO, dull and uninteresting...Boring even. Dying Light, Evolve, Assassin's Creed, etc, come to mind.

somebody on here has to agree with me.

Yeah I agree to an extent... There are definitely fewer games that are getting me excited lately, and fewer games that I play that I really get engrossed in. The last one was probably Walking Dead Season 2. Maybe it has something to do with it being the start of a new generation.

Having said that, there are games like Witcher 3, Batman Arkham Knight, Halo 5, Rise of the TR etc that I'm definitely excited for.

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#97 foxhound_fox
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Feel lucky you have time to even play games to the point of exhaustion with them.

These days I can barely find time to even play games, let alone devote time to one and finish it. And that's only going to get worse as time goes on.

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#98 lundy86_4
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Nah. I have less time now due to working two jobs, but I still enjoy them. FFXIV is getting the most playtime now, as I can watch some TV whilst playing.

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#99 jsmoke03
Member since 2004 • 13719 Posts

@dr_jashugan said:

@bunchanumbers said:

Go retro. You'll love it for like 3 or 4 years. After a while you'll get the craving to start up again and maybe there will be one or 2 games that will be good.

This. Or MAYBE today's GAMES ARE getting SHORTER / MORE EXPENSIVE / with MORE MicroTransactions / with MORE DLC (scam) / with ALL those aspects mentioned before ? :-\

games are definitely longer than they were back then...you can beat most retro games in under an hour....super mario bro can be beaten in 10 min

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#100  Edited By Edo-Tensei_
Member since 2015 • 173 Posts

I'm not burned on games yet. I'm burnt on shitty games I've bought for full price which has made me less receptive to bullshit like evolve, watchdogs, destiny, and any other big game that has heavy micro transaction deals and boring looking repetitive uninspired gameplay. Most verything now is scumbag published games or small indy projects.