Q: Anyone else becoming..."burnt out" with games these days? Are we getting old?

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Poll Q: Anyone else becoming..."burnt out" with games these days? Are we getting old? (99 votes)

I not very hyped for most games these days. Very few get me excited. 89%
I am hyped for the majority of the games these days, and will buy most/all of them. 11%

I feel like I need to say this...Because I have been feeling like this for a while now.

Are any of you...Just...Not interested, or just can't justify paying $60 for most games these days?

I just can't help but say...Meh, when I see most games these days. I mean...I don't think that the games suck, but I just don't want to pay $60 for them. I don't care how much content they have, they just don't entice me like they used to...Why?

Honestly, I'm only hyped for 3 games coming out this year. Zelda U, Tearaway: Unfolded, (Never played the original), and Splatoon...Maybe Xenoblade Chronicles X too. Bloodborne I'm excited for, but not really "craving". I haven't even finished the DLC for Dark Souls 2.

So...What's wrong with us? I can't be the only person who feels this way...Are we just getting old? Or are we just tired of seeing the same crap with a different coat of paint over and over again?

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#101  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@parkurtommo said:

@funsohng said:

What does age have anything to do with this?

I'd say it's related to responsibility, when we're kids, particularly teenagers, most of us aren't responsible for much at all, so we need something really time consuming and satisfying to give that sense of productivity and entertainment. And then suddenly that space that video games used to fill is taken by work.

This obviously isn't everyone's case but this is what I've been feeling lately, working is more satisfying than playing video games for me, DOTA 2 is the only exception.

"working is more satisfying the playing games"? What do you do? I build websites and run a support team for a living and have been doing that for the past 8 years (am 36 btw)... but not once did i feel the way you do. Not once would I rather be at the office instead of playing a great game. So this is a surprising quote unless you are in a rock band or play or make video games for a living, as most jobs are not "Fun". They are there to pay the bills and put food on the table (at least that is how it is for me. If I won the lottery I wouldn't do what I do now, that's for sure).

Now time is limited, but it's been that way for years. People say teenagers have more time, but I beg to differ. When I was in high school in the early-mid 90s... All I did was go to school then go to work after school and if I didn't have work I would be hanging out with my Friends, at parties, or getting some tail. I hardly ever played games in high-school. It wasn't till after when PS1 and FF7 came out that i got back into video games. .... times have changed, fast forward 16 years from the glorious PS1 RPG Golden Age

... Now I spend my time after work with my family, then walking my dog, but after that I stay up to around 2:30am to get my game time in. What sucks is sometimes i get sucked on to these forums and don't play anything :(

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#102 Midnightshade29
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@Maroxad said:
@Alucard_Prime said:

Indeed Gameplay can go a long way

"Not the prettiest game around" ...quite the understatement there lol(no offense...that gave me a few laughs, thanks for posting)

Pretty poor technical graphics indeed, but there are a few graphics mods to make it look better.

Dwarf fortress rocks!!!! If this intimidates people try Gnomoria It's like $5 on steam and is a more graphical game in the same vein, yet easier for newbies. Anyone who likes games like this should also give Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup a try. It's an amazing rougelike with the most depth i have ever seen in a roguelike, and you can play it live on their broadcast servers, in a web browser. Another game that could be considered similar to DF is banished... but that is fully in 3d but is a city builder... really the same style game though.

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#103 delta3074
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Yep, thats why i Game mostly on my tablet and i will be getting a wii-U, Fed up with COD clones, Gears clones Basically every major blockbuster at the minute is the same game i played before just with a Different Storyline and Different characters and better Graphics, theres no real Invention or innovation in the industry and Games that Do like LBP Don't sell very well which doesn't encourage developers to think outside the Box anymore.

there are a ton of Genres on my tablet that i find it very hard to find on consoles

Space Flight/Trading= Galaxy on fire 2, Strikewing Raptor, Arc squadron and a ton more

Flight sims and Helicopter sims=F18 carrier landing, Rortos Airfighters, Skygamblers

Twin stick shooters=Zombiewood, DOA 2, Gun bros, Etc

Real time/turn based strategy strategy= ARMA tactics, Shadowrun, Timelines,etc

Time management games=Sim City Buildit, Fable,etc

theres also tons of Platformers and some really innovative games with some really innovative control methods

In a way Tablets are more like PC's than consoles, Consoles seem to be limited to a Certain number of Genres these days where as Tablets and PC there is something for everyone over many different genres

There are even some decent FPS and TPS games on Tablets but i don't really bother with them outside of Dead trigger and Shadowgun

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#104 AM-Gamer
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Nope ,I have really been enjoying games. Lots of good stuff to look forward to. It's something I never grew out of and I started gaming with the NES.

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#105 deactivated-5f26ef21d6f71
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Not exactly "burnt out", I still love video gaming, with Xbox being my preferred platform. I'm considering sticking with just an XB1 this gen along with the New 3DS, a perfect combo, in my opinion since i prefer the games on those platforms. It's just I've found other interests outside of gaming, as I've gotten older (I'm 37). Time and work also plays into that as well. I'd rather be Surfing or Mountain biking during the summer (I'm a New Yorker) or hanging out with friends, than playing video games all day. I also enjoy traveling, whenever I can, screenwriting and playing guitar. That's just me.

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#106 sailor232
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I have felt like that before, I am getting into the 3ds scene again after buying a new3ds and Monster Hunter 4, I've been gaming more on that in the last week than anything since December.

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#107 Dogswithguns
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- Not falling for hyped anymore, trailers looked so good turned out to be sucked

- Got nothing to do with age.. during PS2, Nintendo, 65 years old played games all the time, not anymore theses days.

- Tired of buying new systems, Every 6 years they came out with new systems instead of making new games. with newer systems playing remake games.. and newest games worse than older ones.

- Playing online now you have to pay for a fee.. instead of free.

- Bought a $60 game just came out, a month later have to buy for new DLCs which cost you more money. turned out to be $90 for that one game.

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#108 Big_Pecks
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It definitely takes a lot more to get my hyped nowadays. SSB4 is an example because I was so hyped for Brawl and it probably couldn't have reached that level. It's also a way to lessen disappointment too.

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#109  Edited By PikachuDude860
Member since 2014 • 1810 Posts

Thanks for the advice, people. I'll try what others have said on here.

I'd like to note, I love the consoles nowadays. I'm just sick of the same old, same old games. (Mainly from 3rd parties.) I'm burnt out on FPs, 3rd person shooters, open world and cinematic games. You didn't see that kind of crap back in the day...

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#110 Gaming-Planet
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I knew it wasn't just me. I went back to some old games and they actually felt new to me and they were fun. I guess games now are fucking generic as hell.

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#111  Edited By deactivated-5b69bebd1b0b6
Member since 2009 • 6176 Posts

Not so much burnt out but sick and tired of the lack of quality and effort put into todays games on current gen consoles. I find myself playing older games and reliving that same magic more than ever before. I do buy the occasional AAA £50 title but it mostly just amounts to one playthrough and I'll probably never play it again. I get some vague sense of fun out of it but not enough to make me to want to go back. PS4 has disappointed me hugely so far. Not one good exclusive. Not one.

I think perhaps I need to play my 3DS more but that whole New 3DS thing has put me off greatly. Got to spend more money now, thanks Nintendo. :D I'm also on the edge whether to buy a Wii U or not..