Can we moderate the developers for releasing too much awesome, in too small a window? Something like, 'trolled gamers wallets' ?? :P:P
I always think its stupid that so many good games get released in the span of 3 months. Nobody can possibly have time ot play/buy them all, so most of them get back later at a later date or just bought used. If they would spread them out better throughout the year (especially with hte annual summer droughts) the games may sell better and we wouldn't have to hear publishers cry about used game sales all the time
So absolutely true. The main problem being, none of them want to surrender the prime holiday slot to the competition. Each dev and publisher banks that their titles will have the greater consumer pull, that it's their games which will have that "must have" attache, expecting the competition who'll suffer the losses, not themselves. None can afford to appear to be afraid of the competing titles.
And when they're all thinking like this at the same time, this is what happens. Who actully reaps the benefit of maximum holiday profit, and who has to lower their new copy prices after January remains to be seen, but it will come down to some or many devs regretting their release schedules.
And you'd think they would learn from this, BUT, since the appearance to be confident that "WE have THE hot ticket item ideal for holiday release" must be presented at all times, the cycle repeats, over and over and over...
It's the sad truth. It is pretty tough to give up the holiday slot against the competition but devs/publishers need to be smarter about this sort of stuff. I think EA was smart with Bad Company 2 by releasing it 5 months after MW2. By that time most people had already played it a bunch and would be in the market for a new online FPS.
However, with BF3 they are releasing 2 weeks before MW3. I think most people will just pick one over the other to buy and the ones that do buy both will just end up playing the one the like more and won't put much time into the other. Gamers shouldn't get 2 high budget online FPS games within 2 weeks. Although both are going to sell exceptionally well, BF3 may see better success if it were to launch in March/April
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