pointing out all you flip floppy hypocrites is drivel now? Someone has to do it, you are the clowns who made the whole "du du duh I don't wanna watch moviez I wanna play gamez!" argument a thing to begin with.
Why back down from that heritage now that the same type a much more accurate "game" fits the movie game title you guys created and claimed you hated? Virtually every high rated PS game that released your lem and herm brothers would claim they were movie games and that they weren't worth a purchase since you could just watch them on youtube, what changed?
lol suddenly a game that's not releasing on a Sony system but fit's the movie game title better than any Sony exclusive ever did and you guys are hyped as fu*k about it and have nothing but praise LMAO. It's not drivel to call you fake ass gamers out on your hypocrisy.
That's quite the response. Worst case of "verbal" diarrhea i've seen in a while.
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