Ok guys, pass the dutchie on the left hand side! Seriously, I cant understand how you can blame Quantum Theory of being an GeoW rip off and then do a 180 and defend DI. Lets review. So Gears had useable female characters? How about swords and actual melee combat that seems to have some sort of substance? And how is the plot of Q and Gears the same? You guys are just being fanboys now. If you wanna call Q a rip off then you need to turn around and call DI a rip off. Hack and Slash? check. Over the top gore? check. Huge "epic" boss battles? Check. Hell? Check. Abundance of nudity? Check. Troubled character with a bag load of sins and war crimes on his conscience? Check. And some of the footage leaves me believing we are going to see some QTEs in this game. And there is no way you can possibly know whether either game will suck. Basically all you guys are doing is using double standards.II_Seraphim_II
Let me get this straight, you think Dante's Inferno is a rip-off of GOW because it takes place in hell? Are you serious? The entire game takes place in the 9 circles of hell, as described by Dante Alighieri in the literary masterpiece, 'Inferno' from the 'Divine Comedy.' The rest of the game is of course loosely based on the Inferno, but has been made game transition friendly. How in the hell is that copying Kratos and GOW?
GOW merely has a HADES level and Kratos is not even an actual character within greek mythology. The 2 games are absolutely NOTHING alike, save for certain gameplay elements. GOW was not the first hack n' slash game with epic boss battles and Dante's Inferno sure as hell is not copying the artstyle and character design in GOW like Quantum Theory is from Gears either. So, if you think DI is ripping off the idea of hell from GOW, you are sorely mistaken, my friend....to say the least.
As far as Quantum Theory goes, I never said they copied the plot of Gears. I said the artstyle, characters and third person gameplay was blatantly ripped straight from Gears, which any one who has played or seen Gears can see. I will give it that it has a female character and some melee combat, but by and large it is indeed a complete Gears rip. In fact, I will be willing to bet that by the time this game gets reviewed, it will be ripped by the gaming media at large for just how much it has tried to copy Gears of War. Mark my words.
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