Do you guys remember the days of long ago. When snes was all the rage, back when sega genesis was making its debut. games like sonic 3 and yoshi story were all the top hits. We all played them, we all loved them. Mario 64 came out a few years later, followed by OoT and our lives were changed forever. That was the climactical age of videogames.
Time has passed and dreamcast, came and went, ps2 and xbox duked it out. there were alot of great games on those systems . Halo....ffx....just to name a few. Although games keep getting bigger and more fantastic looking, nothing stands as tall as playing super mario brothers 3 with your buddy afterschool. Nothing beats playing a link to the past... THE REAL A link to the past.
Does anyone agree with me? Games that are out today are fantastic. But does anyone still have the nostalgia of the days of yore? Can anyone else argue that back in the day...videogames were so much better.
Mabye its because im older now. i played a link to the past when i was 5. someone out there who is 5 can say that twilight princess is the game he will remember forever. In my twenties now that i play it, its a really good game, no doubt, but it is not that fantastic fantasy experience that let your imagination wander into the world of hyrule.
For us old school gamers
we are veterans
the future is bright for videogames
but dont forget your roots.
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