Meaning they know as much as we do.
This... I'm so tired of 720 being judged on a merit of some rumors.
Wait for the official announcement and info, then talk...
The problem is that most rumors about both hardware had been almost all spot on. MS has other plans,maybe the do plan to subsidy the console which would make it cheaper,but in order to do so you need to mandatory pay for xbox live and be always online with Kinect always on,kind like AT&T and other companies give a cheaper phone but you need a mandatory data plan,and since you are going to be always online they also fit no used games policy.. This ^^ measures are very Draconian to the consumer,and if they are true even with subsidy plan it would be very hard to sell 720.Oh, it's very much possible MS will pull off some stupid moves with the 720, but all I'm saying is, it's not good to go by the rumors, no matter how credible they may seem.
I'll wait for facts and official words, and well, since MS is planning to unveil the 720 in April, won't have to wait that long...
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