SF4 was also Pirated pretty bad on 360, also SF4 came out 6 months later when everyone else allready bought it on consoles, also GFWL before steam = major floppage, PC gamers hate GFWL
This has more to do with DLC imo, Capcom abuse DLC like mad, they cant sell PC gamers $10 costumes when we can get them for free (Mods)
Same reason they nerfed MW2 on PC, to sell the Map packs (MW1/WAW got the map packs for free)
Do capcom make PSP games anymore? PSP is pretty much dead due to Piracy
Well, PC gamers certainly would have bought the Resident Evil 5 DLC. At least, I would have... but they didn't release that either.I think he's being honest, this is just a matter of developers wanting to protect their property. Some developers don't like their games being pirated to hell and back regardless of sales. PC gamers always hate on companies when they quote torrent statistics, but can you really blame them for being bothered about it?
While SF4 was probably pirated a lot on 360, it's unlikely it was pirated as much as it was on PC. That's just the difference in nature between the two platforms. And yeah, Capcom really doesn't support the PSP anymore, but it's probably for the exact same reason. They announced an RE game for it and mysteriously nothing ever came from it.
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