My, oh my... This is easily the most racist game I've ever heard of it. It's calewsled "Ethnic Cleansing." The sequel is "White Law." Here's a link to the wikipedia article on it:
Some excerpts for the lazy:
"In the game, the protagonist (the player can choose either a skinhead or a Klansman) runs through a ghetto killing black people and Latinos, before descending into a subway system to kill Jews. Finally he reaches the "Jewish Control Center", where Ariel Sharon, former Prime Minister of Israel, is directing plans for world domination. The player must kill Sharon to win the game."
"In what was perhaps a deliberate attempt to create controversy, the game was released on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2002."
"Also, while the game's box and adverts claimed "realistic negro sounds recorded on the spot with REAL ******s", these turned out to be ape and monkey shouts."
The sequel was released in June 2003.
Wow... I'm not racist, by the way. I just thought that this was... crazy. Do you guys think developers have the right to make these kinds of games? If someone made a game where you got to play as the Nazi in the Halocaust, and you basically could make the Jews' lives a living hell, would you accept that? Would you think that it's okay to relase in 2008? Freedom and speech and all, but is there an end to it?
Edit: I apologize if this offended anyone. Please note that I find this game to be a disgrace to humanity and such.
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