I recently bought the Nathan Drake collection, and I'm almost done with my Uncharted 2 replay (not gonna bother with UC1; also why the hell isn't Golden Abyss in there, that game was really good)... and I don't know, maybe it's because of the 8 year gap, but all those incredible moments that took my breath away just don't seem as incredible anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still love the Nepal sections, and the convoy chase, and the train set piece, but something like the plane crash from UC3 or the jeep chase from UC4 are so much better.
^ That was beside the point though, I just felt like sharing my thoughts on the game. Anyway, moving on, what is your favourite (and least favourite Uncharted game)? How do you rank each game?
For me, it's Uncharted 4 > Uncharted 3 > Uncharted 2 > Uncharted: Golden Abyss > Uncharted 1. But I'm yet to replay UC3, so I might still change my mind about it's position.
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