@tormentos: why is Titabfall a flop outside of here at 86 but Ractchet and Fall is not a flop outside of here at 86? Are your double standards consistent?
Because you don't understand whole concept of what a flop is.
Here a flop is a game that was hyped to get certain score,lets say it was hyped to be 9,so if gamespot score is 9 the game met the Hype,if the game get 8 or less than 9 it fail to met the hype and is consider a flop.
When i say Titanfall was consider a flop outside is because every freaking site hyped the games to be the be all end all of FPS it was suppose to be the next call of duty,and who can forgot the whole 100 awards crap on E3 2013,when the game come short content,few maps,no real single player,it was as well a COD with jet packs and robots.
So when reviews started to rain the game landed an 86 which wasn't what the game was hyped to be,86 isn't a bad score but is simple not the score in line with the hype.
Which is the reason people say it flop,also sales wise for a game so hyped it didn't do that great even that it was on 3 platforms,so it surely wasn't the next call of duty.
Ratchet and Clank is not a new series like Titanfall was and wasn't hyped even close to how titanfall was.
So you make up the rules or change them when it is convenient for you? Nice. So 86 is a flop when you say it is. Good to know, want to be on the same page is all.

He's actually right. There's no goal post moving here.
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