it IS a dead genre a few PC titles floating around here and there don't make a genre alive and well. I play the Pnumbra series and just wish I had some more choices in what kind of Survival Horror games I played.
Pnumbra is all first person, great and all but I really liked the detail you got in third person with the RE series games, the story was pretty cool as well where as Pnumbra really just lays the atmosphere on with little to no context. If there was a single FPS franchise available that sold poorly, I wouldn't call FPS a living genre of games.
It's not just "a few PC titles"
- Call of Cthulu
- Amnesia
- Penumbra Black Plague
- Penumbra Overture
- Siren
- Dementium The Ward
- Dementium 2
- Condemned
- Condemned 2
- Silent Hill Homecoming
- The Void
- The Path
There're these games among others a few others.
Has quantity gone down? Yes, but it has done this across practically EVERY genre. There are even less FPS shooters being created this gen than last gen.
The only genre I can even think of that has seen more releases this gen than the last few gens would probably be 2D platformers since the PC just has a crapload of indie 2D platformers.
Everything else from RPGs, shooters, racers, action, 3D platformers, and FPS (as I mentioned) have gone down in quantity as well. Instead we see a few AAA-budget titles released throughout the year.
This has a lot to do with the fact that mid-tier developers are all, but dead this generation. If next generation pushes the power peak on the PS4 and 720 then that developer tier WILL be dead.
But the second point of my post still remains. Why do survival horror fans not seem to want to play what's available, and instead prefer to just mope around talking about the good ole days?
Amnesia alone tops every survival horror game ever made in terms of horror. It's the only game to ever strike true terror into me, and that feeling overcame me not due to monsters, but just exploring the game world. Walking around torture chambers with nothing, but lamplight, and hearing the sounds, and seeing the different torture devices permanently scarred me. I will never forget the scenes of that game.
You only hurt yourself by choosing to not play what's available since much of it is pretty damn good.
Siren on the PS3 is subpar and barely a complete game. The newer Silent Hills are a bastardization of the series. And is Dementium actually a good game? Simply having titles isn't enough. There have to be good titles.
Simply having titles isn't enough?
You are right........somewhat.
If there's one thing I've ever learned about video games is there are extraordinary amounts of games, whether well-reviewed or not, that are fantastic to those interested in them.
If you made a list of horror games from gens prior, and excluded the obvious high-quality ones like Resident Evil, or Silent Hill, you'd find yourself with a list VERY SIMILAR to my list.
They'd all be unknown games with varying degress of overall polish, quality, and critical acclaim, but what you'll realize is that despite all that you love them. Why? Because you're a survival horror fan, and these games appeal to you.
Just think for one moment. Look at the library of games you have next to your console, or your handheld, and tell me all of them were highly praised, or games people know about?
If you can't say that then there's NO reason you should be putting off a list such as mine.
You owe it to yourself, as a survival horror fan, to branch out and make an attempt to discover other works within the genre.
Crying over the death of the genre whilst doing nothing to support what's left is by far the absolute worst thing you can do.
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