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Exclusives, Yes. Overall Game Library, No. you do realize that 360 shares games with the PS3 right?[QUOTE="kuraimen"]
All the other systems have better games than the 360 IMO. Even the Wii now.
[QUOTE="abuabed"]Meh, PC is still the king by a looooooong shot.tommyasIf you prefer exclusives, then it isnt.
Oh really? Is this fact or simply another "debate of opinions"?
ha thought this was going to be a serious thread for a sec
Love that video...I was staring at it for like 5 minutes :P
[QUOTE="tommyas"][QUOTE="abuabed"]Meh, PC is still the king by a looooooong shot.abuabedIf you prefer exclusives, then it isnt. You do know that PC has more exclusives than all consoles combined don't you? Besides, they have a higher rating too.. Quality over quantity. What if I dont care about MMO games and RTS?
Whenever I see Kinectimals, I want to shoot the nearest human being in range...I can't even eat a packet of skittles anymore without previous memories being relived in my fragile mind.
[QUOTE="tommyas"][QUOTE="abuabed"] You do know that PC has more exclusives than all consoles combined don't you? Besides, they have a higher rating too..abuabedQuality over quantity. What if I dont care about MMO games and RTS? PC has also the best range of variety dude :roll: Ofcourse it does. I actualy love some PC games, mostly those from independent developers. But im talking about big budget games and exclusives. How many big and exclusive games came to PC this year?
[QUOTE="abuabed"][QUOTE="tommyas"] Quality over quantity. What if I dont care about MMO games and RTS?tommyasPC has also the best range of variety dude :roll: Ofcourse it does. I actualy love some PC games, mostly those from independent developers. But im talking about big budget games and exclusives. How many big and exclusive games came to PC this year?
Just because it's big budget, doesn't make it good... I for one, didn't like Killzone 2, yet I'm a big FPS fan.
All those make the competitions tremble in fear whenever those words are spoken. and those games will be the final nail in the coffin for the wii and ps3.
Reason why PS3>>>>>all
Killzone 2
Uncharted 2
All those make the competitions tremble in fear whenever those words are spoken. And those games will be the final nail in the coffin for the wii and 360.
See? I can do it too...
Really? This is a joke right? How much of an impact are those PS3 games compare to Halo and gears when we look at the sale chart?
Nah, at least Move has some quality titles for it like SOCOM, KZ, LBP, etc.
thats kind of a broad statement. first off, kinect will have quality titles too, but that still doesnt mean its not crap. two, you have no idea that socom, crapzone, LBP will even be good on sony move. look how good sixaxis was with the game Lair...........:roll: lets wait and see how good the games are with Move, before we claim Move as being greater than kinect. but IMO, they are both 4 years too late
Kinect has quality titles? really? Don't seem to see any. Oh and i don't see any good reason why those titles wont work well with Move. Infact, I think they were already tried out by critics who said they were great with the Move controller.
Oh gosh. You fanboys are so sad. Go watch this video and show me a single game on the Move or Wii can do this REAL TIME 3D MOTION CAPTURE.:roll:
Ofcourse it does. I actualy love some PC games, mostly those from independent developers. But im talking about big budget games and exclusives. How many big and exclusive games came to PC this year?[QUOTE="tommyas"][QUOTE="abuabed"] PC has also the best range of variety dude :roll:Bebi_vegeta
Just because it's big budget, doesn't make it good... I for one, didn't like Killzone 2, yet I'm a big FPS fan.
I respect that but it comes down to opinions and personal preferences again. But there really arent many big budget PC exclusives, which doesnt have to necessarily mean a bad thing.[QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"][QUOTE="bobcheeseball"]
The online isn't trash.... :?
I don't like the $50 pricetag but it is still an excellent service.
That was not a Typo.
I dont know how ps3 users cope without cross game chat...I dunno why u need it so badly. If I'm not playing with you, then why do I need to talk to you? That's what phones and skype are for. When I log onto my gaming console, I only want to talk to people when it enhances my current game experience. I don't need to talk to some random dude i met online while playing UC2. Cross game chat has to be the most overated feature of all time. When I play a PC game I dont feel the sudden urge to talk to some random guy who isnt even playing the game with me, so why should this be different for PS3. Even with vent, If im not playing a game with u, i have no need to talk to you. If I really want to talk to you, then I'll get ur number or contact u on skype or something. Sure it's great to have more features (like XGC) but people here act like its necessary.
I wonder how u were able to play console games before X360...... :?
[QUOTE="abuabed"][QUOTE="tommyas"] Quality over quantity. What if I dont care about MMO games and RTS?tommyasPC has also the best range of variety dude :roll: Ofcourse it does. I actualy love some PC games, mostly those from independent developers. But im talking about big budget games and exclusives. How many big and exclusive games came to PC this year? Just as many if not more than Xbox. The PC has some of the best exclusives.
It looks like 4 reasons not to own a 360. Halo and Gears are the worst games on the system IMHO. Kinect looks to have no interesting games at the moment. Im sure Sony is shaking in there boots, lol.Kinectimals
All those make the competitions tremble in fear whenever those words are spoken. and those games will be the final nail in the coffin for the wii and ps3.
[QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="tommyas"] Ofcourse it does. I actualy love some PC games, mostly those from independent developers. But im talking about big budget games and exclusives. How many big and exclusive games came to PC this year? tommyas
Just because it's big budget, doesn't make it good... I for one, didn't like Killzone 2, yet I'm a big FPS fan.
I respect that but it comes down to opinions and personal preferences again. But there really arent many big budget PC exclusives, which doesnt have to necessarily mean a bad thing.Good games don't need big budget... I don't see why it's even important.
[QUOTE="tommyas"][QUOTE="abuabed"] PC has also the best range of variety dude :roll:millerlight89Ofcourse it does. I actualy love some PC games, mostly those from independent developers. But im talking about big budget games and exclusives. How many big and exclusive games came to PC this year? Just as many if not more than Xbox. The PC has some of the best exclusives.
Please show me these great exclusives that PC gamers are always talking about.
How many have been GoTY?
How many have hit AAAA?
How many times were they Pirated vs. Bought?
Must be from this gen of Consoles and 100% exclusive
All those make the competitions tremble in fear whenever those words are spoken. and those games will be the final nail in the coffin for the wii and ps3.
No offense but Kinect and Kinectimals look a little stale might get 7/10
You can also add Too Human 2 Fable 3 and Mass Effect 3 as well as the superior multiplat of every Ps3/360 multiplat.
but isn't Fable 3 and Mass Effect 3 also avaliable on the PC? LOL at last part of the comment :D bobbleheadrogue
They are console exclusives.
Meaning you may be one of the select few to play the PC version sitting in a chair using a keyboard/mouse but the games will be unavailable to the majority of PS3 owners.
Meanwhile any 360 owner can kick back relax get some snacks and a beverage and play the game from the comfort of a couch or bed using a the 360 controller (which isn't that much better then PS controllers but I prefer analog placement and definately prefer the gamepad to keyboard/mouse)
Also it is a regarded fact 360 has the better multiplats then PS3 look at lenseoftruth...
[QUOTE="bobbleheadrogue"]but isn't Fable 3 and Mass Effect 3 also avaliable on the PC? LOL at last part of the comment :D Banjo_Kongfooie
They are console exclusives.
Meaning you may be one of the select few to play the PC version sitting in a chair using a keyboard/mouse but the games will be unavailable to the majority of PS3 owners.
Meanwhile any 360 owner can kick back relax get some snacks and a beverage and play the game from the comfort of a couch or bed using a the 360 controller (which isn't that much better then PS controllers but I prefer analog placement and definately prefer the gamepad to keyboard/mouse)
Also it is a regarded fact 360 has the better multiplats then PS3 look at lenseoftruth...
Console exclusives the way you are using them don't exist, they are just called multiplats.
[QUOTE="bobbleheadrogue"]but isn't Fable 3 and Mass Effect 3 also avaliable on the PC? LOL at last part of the comment :D FIipMode
They are console exclusives.
Meaning you may be one of the select few to play the PC version sitting in a chair using a keyboard/mouse but the games will be unavailable to the majority of PS3 owners.
Meanwhile any 360 owner can kick back relax get some snacks and a beverage and play the game from the comfort of a couch or bed using a the 360 controller (which isn't that much better then PS controllers but I prefer analog placement and definately prefer the gamepad to keyboard/mouse)
Also it is a regarded fact 360 has the better multiplats then PS3 look at lenseoftruth...
Console exclusives the way you are using them don't exist, they are just called multiplats.
Well most Ps3 users cannot enjoy them and it isnt certain yet because Fable 2 was 360 only and MS made Splintercell not out on PC.
Even if they are mulitplat the PC is not a console so it is a console exclusive to the 360 as you will never press x o square or triangle in them :)
Also most Ps3 users do not even have gamming PCs
They are console exclusives.
Meaning you may be one of the select few to play the PC version sitting in a chair using a keyboard/mouse but the games will be unavailable to the majority of PS3 owners.
Meanwhile any 360 owner can kick back relax get some snacks and a beverage and play the game from the comfort of a couch or bed using a the 360 controller (which isn't that much better then PS controllers but I prefer analog placement and definately prefer the gamepad to keyboard/mouse)
Also it is a regarded fact 360 has the better multiplats then PS3 look at lenseoftruth...
Console exclusives the way you are using them don't exist, they are just called multiplats.
Well most Ps3 users cannot enjoy them and it isnt certain yet because Fable 2 was 360 only and MS made Splintercell not out on PC.
Even if they are mulitplat the PC is not a console so it is a console exclusive to the 360 as you will never press x o square or triangle in them :)
Also most Ps3 users do not even have gamming PCs
This isn't about who can play them on gaming PC's or not, fact is its on PC regardless and therefore multiplats, not console exclusives, they don't exist in the context your using them in. Console exclusives are games exclusive to consoles.
Console exclusives the way you are using them don't exist, they are just called multiplats.
Well most Ps3 users cannot enjoy them and it isnt certain yet because Fable 2 was 360 only and MS made Splintercell not out on PC.
Even if they are mulitplat the PC is not a console so it is a console exclusive to the 360 as you will never press x o square or triangle in them :)
Also most Ps3 users do not even have gamming PCs
This isn't about who can play them on gaming PC's or not, fact is its on PC regardless and therefore multiplats, not console exclusives, they don't exist in the context your using them in. Console exclusives are games exclusive to consoles.
Yes and they are exclusive to one console, you can't play Mass Effect on Wii or the PS3 that is a fact. The PC is not and never will be a console not matter how hard it tries or people try to make it.
Well most Ps3 users cannot enjoy them and it isnt certain yet because Fable 2 was 360 only and MS made Splintercell not out on PC.
Even if they are mulitplat the PC is not a console so it is a console exclusive to the 360 as you will never press x o square or triangle in them :)
Also most Ps3 users do not even have gamming PCs
This isn't about who can play them on gaming PC's or not, fact is its on PC regardless and therefore multiplats, not console exclusives, they don't exist in the context your using them in. Console exclusives are games exclusive to consoles.
Yes and they are exclusive to one console, you can't play Mass Effect on Wii or the PS3 that is a fact. The PC is not and never will be a console not matter how hard it tries or people try to make it.
I understand you can't play them on PS3, but they are on two platforms, which means they are multiplats.
The online isn't trash.... :?
I don't like the $50 pricetag but it is still an excellent service.
That was not a Typo.
I dont know how ps3 users cope without cross game chat...because Sony lets play online without paying. You get nothing in return for paying compared to Sony's free service. Much less Plus, you still pay for gamer pictures and even THEMES. Haha, trust me, i payed for one once, never gonna happen again.Lemmings, please give up the console exclusive thing, it makes you look bad.Kokuro_Kun
Well it is a Microsoft exclusive unless they made Mac versions but even then Macs are expensive...
Also even if it was on the Mac it is a Multiplat AAA the Ps3 or Wii doesn't have and in the console wars it is between the consoles.
Thus those games are reasons can be reasons 360 > Ps3 and Wii as they do not have Mass Effect or Fable.
Well most Ps3 users cannot enjoy them and it isnt certain yet because Fable 2 was 360 only and MS made Splintercell not out on PC.
Even if they are mulitplat the PC is not a console so it is a console exclusive to the 360 as you will never press x o square or triangle in them :)
Also most Ps3 users do not even have gamming PCs
This isn't about who can play them on gaming PC's or not, fact is its on PC regardless and therefore multiplats, not console exclusives, they don't exist in the context your using them in. Console exclusives are games exclusive to consoles.
Yes and they are exclusive to one console, you can't play Mass Effect on Wii or the PS3 that is a fact. The PC is not and never will be a console not matter how hard it tries or people try to make it.
THANK YOU, PC is way too different only the 3 matters PC doesnt matter AT ALL over in the minds of fanboys
Well it is a Microsoft exclusive unless they made Mac versions but even then Macs are expensive...
No such thing as "Microsoft exclusive".
in the console wars it is between the consoles.
This is System Wars, not console wars. PC is included.
THANK YOU, PC is way too different only the 3 matters PC doesnt matter AT ALL over in the minds of fanboys
The PC does matter here in System Wars.
Just as many if not more than Xbox. The PC has some of the best exclusives.[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="tommyas"] Ofcourse it does. I actualy love some PC games, mostly those from independent developers. But im talking about big budget games and exclusives. How many big and exclusive games came to PC this year? double_a73
Please show me these great exclusives that PC gamers are always talking about.
How many have been GoTY?
How many have hit AAAA?
How many times were they Pirated vs. Bought?
Must be from this gen of Consoles and 100% exclusive
Last GOTY was Wow... I think.
No AAAA games, unless other games don't count... you wouldn't be playing alot of games on console either.
What does pirated and bought question have anything to do?
But, yeah, there's plenty of good exclusive for PC... maybe you don't like them... I'm pretty sure you've never played them anyway.
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